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Posts posted by Mr_Burns

  1. On 4/16/2024 at 6:32 AM, Art-J said:

    Yeah, that's indeed how it was supposed to be after VEAO collapse, but during the whole last week shebang one of the Raz devs hinted that ED doesn't actually have full source code of the Eagle for whatever reason. It might be BS info for all we know, but without further clarification on that hint, one can see why it makes some people nervous given the history of Hawk module.

    As for the EA meaning purchasing unfinished product for full price, I'd like to remind that F-15E never got to its planned full price, so one could also argue that since it's sold 20% off, it can be abandoned with 80% functionality as well and that would be a "fair" deal. Granted, we can only hope this saga will have a happier ending.

    I believe source code is held in something called Escrow, at least it is with my contracts, basically meaning if the developer doesn’t fulfill their contractual obligations you may get access to it.

    So it’s not available to you until a legal hearing agrees they have broken their agreement.



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  2. 3 hours ago, Wacko_ZA said:

    Perhaps you should stop living in a bubble and go to other places, hoggit, facebook, even discord. People are out for ED in force, laying the blame for all of this squarely at their feet. but thanks for your reply. 

    A LARGE part of the community seems to favor razbam as the victim here, and refuse to even contemplate that maybe, just maybe they are in the wrong.

    Anyway, have a nice day.

    I would be sceptical of anyone taking sides right now, this ‘issue’ would be confidential and either party breaching that would be in a bad place legally, sounds like it’s with the lawyers now, who will be the only winners here.

    • Like 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, LeCuvier said:

    I'm afraid that the underlying problem is an unsustainable business model. The only source of revenue is the sale of modules. In order to generate revenue, ED launches new modules before earlier modules are completed. Most of that revenue is probably not spent for the development of the new modules but for (very slowly) completing recent modules, software maintenance and support. Every new module adds to the workload ( = Cost) of software maintenance. It's easy to see that this business model cannot be sustained in the long run. It doesn't work finacially, and it doesn't work for the customer base. I bought the Hornet on 01-DEC-1918, and it's still in "Early Access". I'm not happy about that at all, and I will be very reluctant about buying anything in EA going forward.
    I believe that ED will be obliged to go to a business model where you pay a monthly or annual fee for using the software. A lot of people won't like that and the customer base might get smaller. Changing to that business model will be challenging; but the alternative is to go belly-up. Just my assessment, maybe ED finds another way to continue their Games line of business.

    I never liked them giving the base module free, even a token 10 bucks/pounds etc would increase cash flow of a deservedly great product, there is nothing else out like it so ask people to pay $10 for the base game.


    I would consider a subscription but I think that is definitely a massive option that would seriously put off new players.


    In any case, we have no idea what is going on so its all purely speculation, the reality will come out soon enough.

    • Like 1
  4. F-16, regarding above 2 comments to consider but I the AV8 is a compromise for weapons vs STOVL which is bloody hard and the F-15 is a twin seater with a very small compromise for flying Single Seat but it’s supposed to be flown by 2, so you do the workload.

    I own both but the F-15 is a ground pounder or stand off missile truck, you will snap it in AA, the AV8 is fine, no issues but the Vertical Landing is a pig, I gave up (doesn’t mean you will) and the F-16 is ace, although its displays are hard to see if you don’t export and have MFDs in my opinion.

  5. Sorry I know there are too many of these threads but damn, I am adding another.

    I buy most modules just to support this sim, maybe not an aircraft I would fly but maybe the next one is, I dont buy modules I have zero interest in flying though (WW2 and some other niche ones).

    I bought F-16 day one but at the time I was focusing on F-18 so flew a bit and that was it.

    Last week I thought I would give it a go and started the training missions, what a beauty! The training missions are very good, what i didnt like about the F-16 when I first bought it was the hard to read MFDs on the main screen but with the Thrustmaster panels and export displays it is perfect, some aircraft (A-10 and F-18) the main screen displays are usable so I would have to force myself to look at the external MFDs, with the -16 it is only usable with the external displays IMO.

    Please note, I said my opinion and although I have VR it makes me sick so I only fly Track-IR.

    I love the fact that the F-16 runs through the MFDs, eg, where is the switch to turn the TGP on....no its on the MFD select TGP.....

    Probably a really bone post for you F-16 jockeys but I have owned this module what, 5 years (dont remember when it first came out but i was day one) and for now, the F-18 is gone, this is awesome and now I am going to build a simpit!! 

    • Like 7
    • Thanks 1
  6. I love more terrain but I keep harping back to this, the Combined Arms/Ground vehicle/soldier/building interaction is woefully lacking IMO.

    Flight dynamics, dog fighting, anti armour/radar is all top notch, but there is something lacking in base terrain demolition.

    Runway cratering, setting up a UAV to watch for a vehicle and report in the building so you can PGM it just always feels lacking.

    for some reason I prefer ground pounding but it always feels scripted, a dog fight seems to have multiple outcomes depending on your fight, whether is is with the A-10 or F/A 18 or now F-15, it feels like there is a lower immersion for it.


    I am hoping the dynamic campaign will help but I would have thought decent destructible land scapes should come before Dynamic Missions.

    • Like 4
  7. Oh please don’t take that as any criticism, I get your layout and it is all for the builder! Love what you are doing.

    The front panel was the only one I couldn’t work out how to build in wood with my lack of skills and stopped me in my tracks!

    I have an old car seat ready for my mojo to wake up!

    • Like 1
  8. On 1/9/2024 at 7:50 PM, baksie said:

    and button will work on ipad then ?

    Its not straight forward, I managed to use the iPad as a display but never managed to get the touchscreen to work, I have also tried the free dcsufc app and whilst most people can get it to work, I can’t.

    That said, both of these problems really seem to be user based, I am useless at Ports, ITC packets or whatever, my dreams out stretch my capability!

  9. Are those panels modelled in the sim? I didn’t think the Ground Power were when I first started which is why I wanted the win-wing with an optional panel which is what they offered I believe?

    Might be confused though, it’s been a couple of years since I packed up and just getting the bug again!

  10. Nice, did you not fancy the openhornet plans? I made my own pre-openhornet and could never skin it as I made the curves too tight, seems you are not looking at making it look like a F-18 cockpit apart from obviously inside and all the panels, or do you plan on putting a rounded cockpit around it?

    im starting to think about building again but was thinking of starting with cutting their F-18 ‘skin’ whilst I decide if I want a F-18, F-15 or EFA Front Panel, I figure you could pretty much make any aircraft based on the F-18 skin/frame.

    look forward to watching your build!

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 11/22/2023 at 11:51 AM, Snakedoc said:

    The tools

    I am using my resin 3D printer to make the parts which will complement the simpit, like the engine side panel, MISC panel, compass holder, etc. This stl files were included in the plans so I just send them into the slicer and printed them on my Saturn 3 12k








    I had never had a 3D printer before so it took some trial and error but pretty happy with the results. They aren't perfect and some came out with some small imperfections but after a bit of filling and sanding and a coat of primer the end result looks quite good in my opinion. Also printed some DZUS caps which I will put on the bolts I will use to screw in the panels so it looks a bit more like the real aircraft



    Looking at your amazing work I just pulled the pin on that printer, should arrive in a few weeks.

    Never owned a 3D printer before so a bit of learning!

  12. 23 hours ago, GrEaSeLiTeNiN said:

    I think for the pilot, the warthog hotas should be enough as the modifier layer was added for additional convenient commands like kneeboard or external views, which you can ignore. But for the WSO, with 4 devices in the back seat, a modifier is needed unless you have another device like a gamepad or something. Or, if you decide to not ever fly the jet when working as WSO, you can remove the WSO hotas (flight) commands and focus on mapping the warthog for just the L/R hand controllers. I think later on they will add more AI capability to the pilot.

    Just to check though, are you using the old button slew in the warthog throttle as modifier like in the profile? (If so, did you unmap the axes and any other existing bindings?)

    With so many modules, I often fly with a jpeg of the module's hotas layout in the background (Alt+TAB) for a quick reference if needed.   

    I changed the multiplier to the finger paddle on the stick, force of habit thats always been my multiplier and i find it pretty solid, took a bit of modifying the profile but when you change the multiplier DCS highlights everything in the control menu with an ! so you can see the ones to change.

    I actually think its user error and misreading all the commands on your PDF, there is a ton of things and learning to fly whilst learning the controls is hard work. I will probably stick with it, I should probably print more versions of the control printout and mark them up for each lesson, I think I am just overwhelmed at the moment!


    I dont know about flying wizzo, I probably would if I knew the AI pilot was good, havnt tried it.

    22 hours ago, Lace said:

    I do a lot of my DCS flying when travelling overseas and use an XBox controller.  With some clever mapping you can still do a lot of what is required even with a limited number of inputs.  My approach is to not worry too much about the terminology used - this varies aircraft to aircraft, but the functionality is largely the same.  Try to have as much commonality as you can between modules and it will help you remember what you need to press and when.  For instance, all TGP have a zoom function, and designate/undesignate function.  They will probably have polarity swap and other functions which are less commonly used - consider whether you actually need these mapped to the HOTAS.   Try to keep it to the basic, essential functions only.  Normally you'll need to fly through a few different scenarios to find out what you do actually need to use regularly via the HOTAS, and what you can setup prior to the merge/attack run.

    Use one modifier for non-aircraft functions, like changing views, zooming, etc, and keep it separate from the aircraft functions, and again, keep it common across all modules.  

    Pre-made profiles mean you have to learn someone else's interpretation of the workflows and memorise their assignments.  Develop your own and you will find them much easier to understand and recall when needed.


    Thats a good idea, I picked up greases profile as I knew nothing about the jet and do have a few favorites from A-10C and F-18 which does confuse me, ie. the castle to select soi rather than the one under the pickle button.


    Hrmmm, thanks guys, food for thought that I could compromise for single player from the front seat.

  13. I have a Hotas Warthog, using a profile from @GrEaSeLiTeNiN (thank you).

    I have a crap memory.

    Its not the profile, but I get some odd behaviour with using a multiplier, are there enough buttons on the Hotas to have it operate the same as the jet without a multiplier?

    I want to try without, probably also the only chance I have of remembering them all as I have a crap memory, have spare keyboards I could mark up with stickers for additional controls.

    It maybe this F-15E is a beast, I couldnt learn A-10CII due to the extraordinary number of HOTAS controls so want to keep it simple.

    I have a crap memory 😉

  14. Guys I know I am late to the party here, and I mean very late!

    But as a long time user of Track-Ir and having only just bought a track clip, I would just like to say to anyone who is buying a track-ir for the first time, just buy the bloody clip too.

    It is like 1000% better and I am gutted I waited so long.

    • Like 1
  15. Thanks Rudel,

    They are interesting polls so thanks for that.

    Its interesting that DCS A-10 and Blackshark, being the oldest models, are not the most owned, of course it could be subject to the poll or that more modern platforms attract more users, which may or may not be obvious.

    If you consider like you stated, a statistic of 500,000 youtube subscribers to a channel could be extrapolated to 1 million users, Christen Eagle still sold a few copies!!


    Oh and no, I dont have a massive friends network who 'compute' anyway and I have a fair split between strategy, FPS and sports, just no flight simmers in my circle or colleagues!

  16. Does DCS or any of the module TPs publish figures on usage/purchase?

    Steam does have the ability to track DCS Steam usage but I as many others don’t use Steam.

    Wandering what the player base is and module uptakes are, purely out of interest for me but maybe assist third party hardware manufacturers.

    My first selfish interest is just nosiness and my amateur interest in business economics, something which obviously no-one has to pander to being privately owned companies.

    My second, again, purely personal is to understand what kind of user base we have using DCS in 2023, I have many friends who play PC and console games and none of them are flight simmers, wondering how niche we really are in the scheme of things.

    • Like 1
  17. Mate you are probably going to have to search threads, it’s pretty vague saying wood and parts.

    Apart from a drill and jigsaw, the most technical tool I had was a scroll saw for cutting panels out of plastic sheets from the diy store (Perspex).


    You can get some idea of the size a couple of ways, download the Natops, it won’t be posted on here due to legal reasons, but you can find it. In there are scaled panels, you can print the at 119% or something and it’s ptretty close.


    I then printed them 3 times and used them as a template to cut out Perspex and drill, then dressed one up in PowerPoint or 3d draw and glued that to the Perspex for a panel, not very technical but I don’t have a CNC.


    Then design the wood to suit your panels.

    There are threads to teach you to use Arduino Code to wire every switch, or you can use arcade controllers like Leobodnar, how to make a panel sticky  by tiger shark will show you that way.


    Easiest front panel is a 28” second monitor, Helios (Search) and cougar mfd or a touch screen if you can afford it.


    Hope that helps, but search will give you tidbits, if you want plans, maybe lookup the Viperpit, I know it’s not F18 but is a nice platform for a wood pit imo. You could just stick f18 panels on it.

    One last tip, some of the switches you may never need to use, they operate to simulate start up but do nothing, eg. fire warning test? So if it’s your first and you are not trying to make a study sim pit, just model the ones you want.

    You can also integrate a keyboard into the pit, especially some of the smaller USB ones.

    If you are wanting to make one like in the picture out of wood, you are probably going to need to be a master craftsman, most of that stuff is either bought from winwing or others, or 3d printed or laser/cnc types

  18. Thanks for the tips, I didnt realise the cursor trick.

    I suppose more for my own interest, I get that aligning is important and difficult, but is it a trackir thing that makes lining up the concentric circles so time consuming, I dont mind, as long as its not me doing something wrong!

  19. Can I ask, it takes me ages to line up, using trackir have to tilt my head, roll it then hold my dead still to mouse click the MFD button which creates enough movement to lose the boresight! I I concentrate so hard I hold my breath!


    Any tips?

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