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About mla306

  • Birthday 05/09/1958

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS and Rise of flight
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  1. Thanks for the help everyone. I went with a NVME 4TB SSD drive. I can't believe the difference in the quality of the graphics.....its made a huge improvement.....and now after I save a few more toonies (that's Canadian money) I'll be able to buy the Kola map!! Again, thanks for all the help! Love this game!!
  2. Sorry to be a pain. It looks like I don't have quite enough space on the D drive for the terrain folder. If I leave the game engine on the C drive and mklink to the terrain folder on my external E hard drive (which has lots of storage), will that impact performance?
  3. Is that command in the system Command Prompt or is it done somewhere inside DCS?
  4. Yes I tried it yesterday. It definitely loads slower and was a little choppy....of course at the most inopportune time. I have 2 internal drives a C and D. The entire game won't fit on either single drive. Is there any way to say put the game engine on the C drive and the maps on the D drive? I haven't been able to find an option to change where the downloads go? This would help if I could split the game between the 2 internal drives? Thoughts? Oh and thanks for the quick replies...much appreciated.
  5. Hi, my C drive is full and I can't download the new map updates. I have an external E drive and I copied the entire game on the external drive. My concern is what, if any impacts, will there be on the game performance from playing entirely off an external hard drive? Any thoughts? Thanks MLA306
  6. Hey thanks Reflected!!
  7. Hi I replayed the campaign and on mission 11 when you are supposed to bail out, it doesn't seem to work. I used the keyboard Lcntrl, Lshift and C to open the canopy and then Lshift E to bailout but it doesn't work. I then tried just Lshift E and that didn't work either. So I mapped the bailout to one of my hotas buttons but still no luck. Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem or knows what I'm doing wrong?
  8. No problem, I got it. I hadn't killed all the vehicles where they were setting up the air defenses. I replayed it today and got it. Thanks.
  9. I have flown over the village and killed everything. I get the message to drop the smoke for the incoming flight but it never happens. I used F10 to tell Tom to drop the smoke but still nothing. I tried landing but that didn't work either. I'm guessing there is a soldier somewhere that I haven't killed yet but I can't find anyone and no one is shooting at me anymore. Any ideas? If you haven't come across this one yet I'll fly it again and keep the track file. Thoughts? Really enjoying the campaign and love the immersion with this current mission, very cool!
  10. Just finished the last mission. The only problem I had was the radio not working on the tower on the return to Batman on the last mission. Really enjoyed the campaign and can hardly wait till you come out with an Afghanistan campaign.....or any other map for that matter!!
  11. Yes same issue here. I completed the mission and landed safely and got the mission success queue and when I exited it still show "active".
  12. I'm pretty sure this is an ED issue. I played the map before the last update with no issues..and failed (sigh). I updated DCS yesterday and tried mission 3 again today. I get to the runway and ask for clearance to takeoff but there is an F16 on the runway (guessing flight lead) and he just sits there and never takes off. I am really loving this campaign, I'm an F18 guy and just learning the F16 and in the first 2 missions have already learned a great deal. The immersion level and the coordination with the other flight members is excellent. I flew red flag first which was an excellent introduction to the F16 and I would highly recommend you fly that campaign before this one. This campaign will take your skillset to the next level!! Great Job.
  13. Worked great, thanks for the help man!!
  14. Hi I've read a number of other threads and just want to confirm before I start copying and deleting stuff and potentially causing myself worse headaches. I don't have enough space on my C drive for the latest update, but I have 931GB available on my D drive. My DCS folder on the C drive is 692 GB. If I copy my DCS folder to the D drive and delete the version on the C drive will that fix my problem. I understand that I will need to run the updater in slow mode and remap my shortcuts. Is that all I have to do and will it work?? Thoughts?
  15. Yes it says rearming complete and I can see the weapons on the pods as well as in my inventory. I just can't activate them. When I hit A-G it doesn't pull up the normal arming screen it just pulls up the inventory screen and I can't do anything with it. I'll try again and track the file. Tx for responding!
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