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Posts posted by HiJack

  1. 23 minutes ago, Exorcet said:

    Mandatory updates would be absolutely terrible.

    It is easy to roll back to the previous version. That must be what ED have decided on. Why keep two products when you basically can do the same by a simple rollback.

  2. I bought the F-15E Strike Eagle last Friday and I love it so far! My first takeoff was perfect but first landing crashed and burned due to a failed binding and lack of cockpit skills (have not flown in months!). Second landing was perfect! The combination of Tacan and ILS is golden! When the combination is available on airdrome, every landing should be perfect!  🙂 

  3. On 11/3/2022 at 1:19 AM, poochies said:

    Do you still get the odd sudden bank to the left like a large wind just blew you over in a hover ? Very annoying when you have a perfect hover no SAS saturation and this happens repeatedly, I'm putting this on the shelf until the FM gets figured out, I'm still glad I bought it in EA though shes a beauty


    I had to get pedals and a new throttle for the Apache to be controllable so now it flies fine and is definitely something to attack ground targets from. I have used a Saitek X52 Pro for many years now and it works fine with all other rotors but not the Apache. I don't know if this will change as the flight model is developed but running this module now without pedals and a good precise throttle is not possible. 🤗

  4. Just "hover" mouse over the red dot and it tells you what the assigned problem is. Easy solved without resetting anything really. At least on my rig it was easy to fix. Really good of ED to mark the conflicts this way, wery helpfull! 🙂

  5. On 11/18/2022 at 9:51 AM, Scuby said:

    What I do is always reset trim and then maintain hover, before switching to the front/cpg seat. When switching to back/pilot, I mainly focus on "catching" the yaw with the rudder since this will most likely be your doom if not stabalized quickly. 

    Now I think of it, perhaps also focus on your collective lever position when switching to back/pilot. You'll want this to be (close to) the same as you have left it. Too much above or under original position might exuberate yaw and fcs effectiveness. 

    Do you use the assigned "Trim - RESET to default" ?

    (LCtrl - T)	Trim - RESET to default


  6. 2 hours ago, Splashtrick68 said:

    This is what I'd like to do, and apologies if this information is somewhere already, but what is the easiest way to have 2 installs and keep or transfer bindings for controllers etc? 

    Thank you in advance! 

    I just made every change in the OpenBeta configuration and just copied the  "Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\Input" over to the "Saved Games\DCS\Config\Input" and that worked fine. I also use one common "Missions" folder on the root of a drive to simplify mission swapping. I allways keep backups of the Saved Games folders for both instances. You can even have a 3rd or 4th install of both just by using the switch for it. You can have a modded version and clean ones. Actually no limits there. 🙂


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  7. 8 minutes ago, goliat26 said:

    I have this in near future plan. i7 12700kf in plans with 32 GB DDR4. Can you show me your settings?


    I will try it.

    It's worth a try but the info on bottleneck seems legit. Anyway I would try the DDU before caving in and buying a new mainboard and CPU. Tha 3090 should of course be much more powerfull than the 3080. I'm interested because I'm looking to upgrade my setup as well. Good luck finding the right solution. 🙂

  8. +1 For full fidelity F-15C. I would definetly buy this unit if ED made it. Any 3rd party I would think twice.


    EDIT: I will buy the F-15E as well but that is not the fighter I like, the F-15C is the one! 😃

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