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  1. Please give us an optional refueling probe.
  2. Cobra, I hope your well. Please consider a Vietnam era A-6 in addition to the newer versions. This bird cut its teeth in Nam then again in the Gulf. By the way, I have been blow away with Tomcats even though I have not been able to give them the attention they deserve (life). Your team have made the sim so much better for all of us. Excited to see what HB creates in the future. Be well. K-Roll.
  3. Thx guys. I’m out of town so I’ll mess around when I get back.
  4. Hello, I've pretty much followed what others have set here for there Reverb G2. Everything looks great when I'm flying straight and level or on the ground. It seems above 600" AGL trees, buildings, runways, bogeys get blurry when rolling or pulling. As soon as I stop pulling everything is clears again. My system is older i7 8700, 16gig, 1080i, SSD. Also, I'm coming from the 1st generation Oculus. The Oculus was always clear when yanking and banking. Any ideas? Thanks
  5. SUNTSAG Hello, I'm having issues after the supercarrier update getting aircraft to rearm and refuel. As soon as I ask the ground crew to rearm I get a DCS crash. Pretty much anything I ask the ground crew to do. Maybe this is on my end. Any ideas? Thanks Kroll
  6. I’m curious at some point if the S-3, and S-60 will be updated? Maybe a few other period type aircraft. COD. Super hornet, Different era asset packs would be cool as DCS expands. 70s, 80s, 90 asset packs. Yes I’d pay for those. Thx
  7. Looks great! Will the mighty Vulcan bomber an asset at some point? What other aircraft will be included? Thx
  8. What is supposed to mapped to slave the weapon. I can't get the crosshairs to slew. After I uncage they won't move. Watched a ton of videos. Can't figure out what supposed to be mapped. Thanks
  9. They're F-16s. Freeze the frame above the hud. F-16
  10. Where is the switch for the F-14 external lights? I turn them all on (formation, Beacon....) but I can't see them externally. What am I missing? Thanks.
  11. My thought is you would still have both ways. There are all different level of gamers and all levels of time that we all have. Not really sure what difference it would make. When your in the mood to type it all in you can. When you want to just do things a little quicker you can. Real pilots don't have the limitations of wearing an Oculus. In real life it's much easy to complete this task because your wife isn't yelling saying it dinner time or time to put the kids to bed. There are many items already that can be switched on and off already in the game. As far as being a sim.....like sim city? I'm pulling your leg.
  12. Love the JDAM. I was thinking what a pain it is to consistently type all the info in when under the oculus. What if there was an option under the F10 map view where you could zoom in on an object, right click to add to a certain pylon 1, 2..... the Lat, Lon, Alt. The current way may be correct and awesome but if your time limited because of life or your eyes are drying out under the oculus. This may be an idea to speed up the action of blowing stuff up. What do you think?
  13. F-14A Pics https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=233051
  14. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=233050 F-14 B pics
  15. Kroll

    F-14A Skins

    Water based skins https://photos.app.goo.gl/HiTAjL1oNuvA9agT7
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