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  1. I like the new trim. I do forget to recenter the stick from time to time when shit is going down though... :P
  2. I have a simlar problem, but once AP gets reset AP and AH work. This is initally after take off, speed is 0 and Forcefeedback is disabled in the conf.
  3. I had a thought, could it be a problem with the autostart sequence? While the AP control buttons are lit, they are not actually active in function, there by leaving you with no stabilisation untill they are reset.
  4. Already done, problem still replicates. When I turn on autohover, the hud cues come up, but the chopper still floats around as though there is no stabilisation, while trim still does not function regardless. It does trim a new position into the autohover(small square cue) but it doesn't stabilise. Seems like it is more of an autopilot problem than anything, the light cues are on for AP, but they do not actually stabilise. Im going to test it out right now, and figure out exactly when trim and autohover become functional. Edit: I tested it, and when pressing trim, it does trim the controller(verified on ctrl+enter), but there is no stabilisation. I turn on auto hover, still no stabilision. Once AP settings get overridden from me floating about like a retard with auto hover on, I can re-enable AP settings and trim and AH work fine. Not sure what to make of it.
  5. Hey, I have an identical problem. But what I have noticed about this... I use Lwin Home to start the chopper, and I do wait for all systems to be fully functional, I even tried walking away for a few minutes afterwards... And when I initially take off, and move around... Trim will not function, nor will autohover. After a couple minutes, it begins to work on its own. Im not sure if its because Ive moved away from the airfield, or the helo has 'warmed up' once in the air or if it is a bug. I also use the X52 joystick.
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