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Posts posted by key_stroked

  1. All feed back is welcome as long as it is courteous, the team do take it on board, good and bad.




    Well then here's mine, as an ED customer who bought the F-18.


    When I bought it, the hype and marketing surrounding it made out the Hornet to be ED's flagship product, which made me think it would be their absolute priority and focus. The initial excitement eventually wore off as the months dragged on and key parts of the jet were still unfinished.

    Even so, I told myself, "it's early access, that's just how this is going to go". And I patiently waited for ED to fully finish this flagship product.


    I would have bet money if someone told me at the Hornet launch that ED would announce and then release a brand new jet...the Viper, of all iconic jets...in less then a year, while the Hornet sat unfinished. "No way", I would have told that person. They wouldn't just leave their flagship product on the sidelines! That's crazy.

    If I had bet...I would be eating those dollar bills right now. Not only did ED go from announcement to release of a brand new airframe in less then a year, they did so while their shining star product took a backseat.


    Despite assurances that the development of this new plane wouldn't impact the F-18 development in any way, shape or form, they pulled development support away from the Hornet so they could shove the Viper out the door. And now, after hearing that the Viper is getting features that the Hornet was supposed to have, it leaves a SUPER sour taste in my mouth.


    If I had known back at the Hornet release what I know right now, I would have never purchased the Hornet. I paid ED money to help them develop and support the module the money was meant for...not to wait while ED staff is pulled off to sell another unfinished product.


    If ED had the staff to fully develop two products at the same time, I would have no problem with that. But that's not the case, as we've clearly seen. ED doesn't have the capability to develop two products concurrently, and abandoning one, even temporarily, makes ED look greedy and incapable of delivering on their customers' investments.


    So call me childish if you want....I really don't care about public perception. I'm a consumer who gave money to a company with the expectations my money would go towards a specific thing, and that thing would be the company's priority.


    As NineLine said in a recent reddit post, neither product has a priority over the other, and that's why I regret buying the F-18 and also why I won't be purchasing anything else from Eagle Dynamics if this Early Access model is the way they continue to do business.

  2. I have an X-56, which has no built in detents. Afaik, Heatblur hasn't commented on any of the detent threads in the past asking for either a finger lift function or a way to engage AB without using the throttle range.

    For those with throttles without physical detents, how are you dealing with it?


    I've tried searching for DIY mods for the X-55/56 to add detents, but many use tools like hot melt guns that I don't have access to.


    If HB could just give us a finger lift option like the F-18 has, it would be a huge help to their customers.

    I don't understand why they refuse to comment on it, and if they did then I missed it in the forum clutter.

  3. Would also love a way to reliably engage AB after I've already maxed out my throttle range.


    I say reliably because I played with throttle curves to stop at 100% RPM, but holding a button to increase throttle doesn't always work because it snaps back to 100% when it detects even the smallest movement in the throttle hall sensor.

  4. Is the developer not following this thread anymore? This appears to be the only place to get "live" support help for VAICOM and its plugins, and issues I've posted over the last 5 days have all been completely ignored.


    Not really the customer support experience I was expecting. Largely disappointed so far in this entire product.

  5. AIRIO has a few bugs I found today.


    1) He incorrectly sets the lats/longs for waypoints from the F10 map.

    I put down two waypoints on the F10 map and asked him to set one to surface target and the other to the ingress point.


    Here's a couple screenshots, the first showing my points on the map and the second showing the actual points Jester set on the TID (with north pointing up to match the map orientation).






    2) Jester incorrectly selects the stores you ask for.


    I asked for Mk-20s, which were on stations 4 and 5, and he selected Mk-82s on stations 3 and 6. I had to manually request stations 4 and 5 to get him to select those stations.


    Another drawback of AIRIO is you can't say "Radio Tune [stennis]" as an example, similar to how you can for TACAN or LINK HOST.

    In the default Jester options wheel, you can select Radio Tac frequencies that are displayed based on proximity, but for AIRIO radio tuning, you have to manually request the frequency all the time, which is annoying.


    I'm disabling AIRIO until some of these can get fixed. Not being able to correctly place a map placed waypoint into my Tomcat's navigational computer makes that feature useless.

  6. Tonight I freshly installed Voice Attack, Vaicom Pro, and AIRIO, following all the steps in the manual.


    After restarting voice attack and DCS, I launched a test scenario and told Jester over node TX 5 to "Scan Left", which he responded to and did.


    After that point, every command I've given him results in a "RIO recipient is not available at this time" message in the voice attack window. I've restarted both voice attack and DCS multiple times, and it's always the same error sound and message.


    Why isn't Jester listening to voice commands anymore?


    1:02:39 AM - Listening suspended
    1:02:39 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 release'
    1:02:39 AM - RIO recipient is not available at this time.
    1:02:39 AM - Recognized : 'scan right'
    1:02:37 AM - Listening resumed
    1:02:37 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 press'
    12:58:08 AM - Listening suspended
    12:58:08 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 release'
    12:58:08 AM - RIO recipient is not available at this time.
    12:58:08 AM - Recognized : 'tacan tune'
    12:58:06 AM - Listening resumed
    12:58:06 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 press'
    12:58:01 AM - Listening suspended
    12:58:01 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 release'
    12:58:01 AM - RIO recipient is not available at this time.
    12:58:01 AM - Recognized : 'scan right'
    12:57:59 AM - Listening resumed
    12:57:59 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 press'
    12:57:43 AM - Opening Configuration window
    12:57:43 AM - Shortcut : 'Configuration'
    12:56:18 AM - Listening suspended
    12:56:18 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 release'
    12:56:17 AM - RIO recipient is not available at this time.
    12:56:17 AM - Recognized : 'wake up'
    12:56:15 AM - Listening resumed
    12:56:15 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 press'
    12:56:14 AM - RIO recipient is not available at this time.
    12:56:14 AM - Recognized : 'scan left'
    12:56:14 AM - Listening suspended
    12:56:14 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 release'
    12:56:12 AM - Listening resumed
    12:56:12 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 press'
    12:56:11 AM - RIO recipient is not available at this time.
    12:56:11 AM - Recognized : 'scan right'
    12:56:11 AM - Listening suspended
    12:56:11 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 release'
    12:56:09 AM - Listening resumed
    12:56:09 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 press'
    12:56:05 AM - Listening suspended
    12:56:05 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 release'
    12:56:03 AM - Listening resumed
    12:56:03 AM - Joystick : 'Transmit TX5 press'
    12:54:55 AM - Plugin 'VAICOM PRO 2.5' initialized.
    12:54:55 AM - Ready for commands.
    12:54:55 AM - Initializing..
    12:54:55 AM - Press LCtrl+LAlt+C for config.
    12:54:55 AM - VAICOM PRO for DCS World. License: PRO
    12:54:54 AM - Plugin support enabled.

  7. If you have a mod that make it possible to control all alone (once again, the tomcat is not designed for that. Get more familiar with her and you will completely understand why it is just stupid to use a Lantirn mod)


    So if I can't find a human RIO and I want to use the LANTIRN, I'm stupid for using the mod? Nice logic!


    Did any of the *I want to keep that Lantirn mod* people ever enjoyed a ride in the turkey with a good pilot on a great mission? Did you ever tried to find a RIO or Pilot online or on Discord?

    Try it, it will give you a completely new view to that topic.


    Yes, I've done RIO. And yes, I've tried to find RIOs to play in multiplayer servers. Either experience hasn't changed my opinion that the mod is needed when solo pilots want to use the LANTIRN.


    And what about single player/offline pilots? What are they supposed to do? Just not use the LANTIRN?


    Its one of those things where you think it is a good one, but under the line, it would be better without that mod, because it would be better for the whole community.


    And like Quigon, you're trying to speak for the whole community when you should stick with speaking for yourself.


    The "whole community" includes single player users. I guess they're just out of luck though, right? Because according to you, they're better off without access to a part of the jet that Jester can't control.


    We get it. You, and others in here don't like the mod. That's fine. Just don't speak for me or anyone else because you don't represent the community in here, you represent yourself and your own opinion.

    Heatblur itself has already said if you don't like the mod just don't use it.

  8. Lantirn for Jester is coming closer, so with a little bit patience, mods like that should not be needed anymore. Thanks all.


    Is it true that Heatblur will attempt to disable .lua editing to prevent control of the LANTIRN from the pilot seat? (and how would this even be done?)


    If so, how does Heatblur plan on allowing the solo pilot player to direct Jester to target a specific ground object or vehicle from a picture that can be saturated with possible things to point track on?

    How would I tell Jester "target the third T-180 from the left SW of the nearest 2-story building" ? If Jester's use of the LANTIRN is anything like the limitations of the radar usage, I can't see how you're going to accomplish this, hence why the mod is necessary to pinpoint exactly what the player wants to target.

  9. a proper crash log


    Since DCS isn't producing any logs with its built in reporting tool, can you tell us what Heatblur considers to be a "proper" crash log?


    Is it just copying and pasting the dcs.log file?

  10. Thanks all for the input. I'm going to try each of these and see if it improves the memory usage or stutters any.



    Tried all of the suggestions, stutters still remain on the Persian Gulf map. Starting to think no amount of tweaking can help on that map for a multiplayer server with scripts and triggers running.

  11. Singleplayer is fine, but multiplayer is a nightmare. I tried Hoggit's Persian Gulf at War server with only 3 other people on it tonight, and my memory was maxed out in the performance manager. Frames were 35-40 on average, but loading anything (like turning my head in TrackIR to look behind me) caused huge freezes and stutters.




    To help with stutters, I've tried setting up a page file on my SSD for 32000 MB. I've also set the autoexec.cfg affinity_mask to use cores 2 and 3 (out of 0,1,2,3) to free up windows based on this thread (https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1959076&postcount=1).

    I've also turned Hyperthreading off in my BIOS.


    I'm running DCS on a single screen using fullscreen, with these settings:




    I don't know what else to do. The freezes and stutters are so bad it makes my MP experience just plain unenjoyable.


    Any other ideas?



    I had DCS alt-tabbed out at the main menu while writing this whole post. When I finished, I checked my resource manager again and the memory was still at 99%. Does DCS really need all 16GB of my RAM just sitting at the main menu? That doesn't seem right.

  12. What does camera views has anything to do with RIO holding that handle?


    Because the animation of Jester holding the handle is automatic and can't be manually controlled, so the picture shows the hand by moving the camera back into the RIO pit from the external view.

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