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Posts posted by key_stroked

  1. Please try looking this in the track.


    You are in between Tracking radar and enemy fighters. In this case you have been painted by the tracking radar.


    If you are on the air. You have you ECM on.


    A fire control radar hard locking a target focuses its energy to track that target. It shouldn't be locking me 50 miles away and triggering my RWR's missile warning.


    How you described it isn't how it's supposed to work.

  2. Put the nozzle angle all the way forward and give it some thrust. You have to break out of the "dead friction zone", for lack of a better way to refer to it. It taxis very tight with HI mode on.

  3. The resolution is limited by the pod not by the display.


    Then why do the real drivers from the Tomcat Tales documentary (and also the magazine article linked in the OP) say that even though F-15E and F-16 aircraft had the same pod, the F-14's resolution was better because they had a bigger screen with more pixels to display the picture?


    And perhaps making the screen bigger and squared? Also, some buttons wouldn't hurt. I guess having those nifty buttons already, some functions could be assigned to those buttons then? You know, just for kicks and giggles.


    Your unnecessary sarcasm aside, if the functionality of the MCAP PTID can't be properly simulated, at least the improved resolution can which many F-14s with the LANTIRN pod had during combat. Similarly, (afaik) the F-14 never carried the ZUNI rocket into combat, but Heatblur still gave it to us because the real jet could carry it.

  4. It would be nice to do what would effectively be a "newer" F-14B with CDNU, GPS, PTID, Sparrowhawk etc but as have been stated above we don't have complete info on matters relating to primarily the PTID menus and combat oriented symbology. And even if we did get a hold of that information it would not be a 100% sure thing as it would entail remodelling the RIO pit extensively.


    The information regarding the -D does not show everything and is in many ways not relevant for the -B anyway as there were many other things differeing in that aircraft, not the least the radar.


    What we do know is that the first LANTIRN implementations were using the old TID and were used if only for a short while.


    In the end it was a decision between not having it at all or having it in this limited fashion and we decided to model it as we knew this configuration existed.


    Would you consider increasing the resolution?

  5. You need to look harder...

    Recommended read Combat Aircraft Special Edition "F-14B Bombcat".


    Also this little gem:



    I don't own either of those. When I said I couldn't find anything, I was referring to free information sources.



    I bought both. I'll read the digital magazine today. The book comes in about 10 days.

  6. Isn't that display the PTID (Programmable Tactical Information Display)? If so, then it has already been discussed at length, if it can be implemented in DCS (together with the upgraded "Sparrowhawk HUD") and Heatblur decided against it as they wanted to model an early F-14B ("F-14A+"), because they have the best documentation on the early variant without the PTID/MCAP: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=226245


    I haven't seen any references that F-14A+/B aircraft were combat operational using the LANTIRN with the old TID display.


    I get that Heatblur doesn't want to make up stuff for a display they can't find documentation on, but maybe a happy medium is to increase the resolution of the LANTIRN display using the current TID.

    While that's not accurate to history, neither is putting LANTIRNs on a plane without also coupling it with an upgraded display to support the functions of the pod.


    Also, NAPTOPS for the F-14D shows PTID operation and sub page content. Is this not enough to properly simulate it in DCS?

  7. I've been watching Tomcat Tales which was just recently released by Speed & Angels Productions, and a section of the documentary has Capt. Dale "Snort" Snodgrass talking about the development of the LANTIRN pod and it's transition from a concept design to a pod used in an active combat theater.


    He says that with the LANTIRN came a display upgrade that replaced the RIO's round TID. The new display was a 12x12 square display with more pixels that, according to Snort, matched the resolution of the LANTIRN pod and thus they had better clarity than the F-15E crews who were using the exact same LANTIRN pod (or F-18 crews who had the AN/AAS-38 "Nite Hawk" pod at the time).


    I did some digging and came up with documented proof that they were putting these upgraded "MCAP" displays into F-14Bs as part of the LANTIRN pod.


    Is the MCAP display something Heatblur has considered, or will consider, adding to the F-14B in DCS? The resolution while looking at the pod through the TID is poor, and if it's supposed to surpass the capability of F-15E and F-18 hornet aircraft pods at the time the real F-14B received the LANTIRN pod upgrade, I think it would be awesome if we got the display to match it in game.




    "Tomcat Tales" - https://www.speedandangelsproductions.com/tomcat-tales-ppv/



    ESTIMATES (page 67) -- https://www.secnav.navy.mil/fmc/fmb/Documents/00pres/proc/apn_ba_5_BOOK.pdf


    Naval Aviation News Magazine (September-October 1996, "New Claws for the Tomcat") -- https://books.google.com/books?id=Hou28VrUeA0C&pg=PA38&lpg=PA38&dq=F-14+%22MCAP%22&source=bl&ots=I0MV39mhss&sig=ACfU3U0AIPYe58HTq9yNlbZfdWXbtvSNRg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjptMPf88rqAhVgHTQIHagcBt8Q6AEwA3oECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=F-14%20%22MCAP%22&f=false


    Unverified forum post from a (then) RIO with the VF-102 Diamondbacks talking about F-14Bs with MCAP upgrades -- http://www.topedge.com/var/tomcat/001gbk.html





  8. This is from my own file:


    -- Ground Adjustment (Kneeboard)
    {combos = {{key = '1', reformers = {'RShift','RAlt'}}},	down = iCommandPlaneCircuitBreaker_21,	value_down = 1,	name = _('Change Top Front Left ECM Dispenser Load (Chaff/Flares)'),	category = {_('Ground Adjustments')}},
    {combos = {{key = '2', reformers = {'RShift','RAlt'}}},	down = iCommandPlaneCircuitBreaker_22,	value_down = 1,	name = _('Change Top Front Right ECM Dispenser Load (Chaff/Flares)'),	category = {_('Ground Adjustments')}},
    {combos = {{key = '3', reformers = {'RShift','RAlt'}}},	down = iCommandPlaneCircuitBreaker_23,	value_down = 1,	name = _('Change Top Rear Left ECM Dispenser Load (Chaff/Flares)'),		category = {_('Ground Adjustments')}},
    {combos = {{key = '4', reformers = {'RShift','RAlt'}}},	down = iCommandPlaneCircuitBreaker_24,	value_down = 1,	name = _('Change Top Rear Right ECM Dispenser Load (Chaff/Flares)'),	category = {_('Ground Adjustments')}},
    {combos = {{key = '5', reformers = {'RShift','RAlt'}}},	down = iCommandPlaneCircuitBreaker_25,	value_down = 1,	name = _('Change Bottom Left ECM Dispenser Load (Chaff/Flares)'),		category = {_('Ground Adjustments')}},
    {combos = {{key = '6', reformers = {'RShift','RAlt'}}},	down = iCommandPlaneCircuitBreaker_26,	value_down = 1,	name = _('Change Bottom Right ECM Dispenser Load (Chaff/Flares)'),		category = {_('Ground Adjustments')}},
    {combos = {{key = '9', reformers = {'RShift','RAlt'}}},	down = iCommandPlaneCircuitBreaker_29,	value_down = 1,	name = _('AN/AVS-9 NVG Case (Load/Unload)'),							category = {_('Ground Adjustments')}},
    {combos = {{key = '0', reformers = {'RShift','RAlt'}}},	down = iCommandPlaneCircuitBreaker_30,	value_down = 1,	name = _('Change FF Rocket Fire Mode (Single/Ripple)'),					category = {_('Ground Adjustments')}},
    {combos = {{key = '8', reformers = {'RShift','RAlt'}}},	down = iCommandPlane_HARS_SyncButton,	value_down = 1,	name = _('Check MAP for Target Locations'),								category = {_('Ground Adjustments')}},

  9. Which specific FOV is this button supposed to manipulate?

    Rather than affect the FOV of Mavericks or sensors, it appears to actually re-cage the reticle in its default position.


    Is this intended?


    The only other uses I've found are undesignating targets and holding it down for tight nosewheel taxiing.

  10. The only difference I see between the video and DCS, and I am admittedly not a videophile/photophile, is that the painted numbers on the VDI screen (the VDI had “fixed” images and “painted” images like the pitch ladder) are a bit large. Other than that, they look the same to me.


    The other thing that would really be cool if HB could pull it off is the sloppiness of the painted images, like the little droops and smears and globs, where the electron gun didn’t stop shooting perfectly timed with moving to the next line. Like the pitch ladder numbers in the video. Looks sort of like an old typewriter with dirty hammers (or whatever those things were called). It would get worse under G as well.


    To me, the colors from your RL picture look exactly like the colors from the early VDI (the leftmost picture in the OP).

    The color tones we have now in DCS don't seem to match that.

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