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E-TF[101] Breeze

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About E-TF[101] Breeze

  • Birthday 07/21/2000

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS | MSF
  • Interests
    Fighter jets!!!
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  1. Eclipse Task-Force Gemini F-16C, F-18C, JF-17, F-14, F-15E, J-11, Mig29 Pilot Roster: E-TF[104] Aspen | E-TF[105] EletroBull | E-TF[111] Ankou | E-TF[810] Thermos Timezone: 1800 Zulu -
  2. Eclipse Task-Force F-16C, F-18C, JF-17, F-14, F-15E, J-11, Mig29 Pilot Roster: E-TF[101] Breeze | E-TF[102] Riker | E-TF[103] n8d0g | E-TF[106] Dizzy | E-TF[803] Vetis.EC Timezone: 1800 Zulu -
  3. Hi there, I noticed that Targets being tracked by AWACS are not showing direction of movement. They are only appearing as a Triangle.
  4. Squadron Name: Eclipse Task-Force Aircraft Selection: JF-17, F-16, F-18, F-14, F-15E/C Pilot Roster: E-TF[101] Breeze E-TF[102] Riker E-TF[103] n8d0g E-TF[104] Aspen E-TF[105] EletroBull E-TF[106] Dizzy E-TF[108] Lasskii E-TF[111] Ankou E-TF[803] Vetis.EC E-TF[810] Thermos E-TF[809] Jinx
  5. Callsign: E-TF[101] Breeze, E-TF[102] Riker Coalition: Red
  6. ETF[101] Breeze ETF[102] Riker Red
  7. Squadron: Eclipse Task-Force Timezone: 1800z-1900z Aircraft: JF-17, F-16C, F/A-18C, F-14B Maps: Cauc, PG, Syria
  8. Recruitment still open, limited slots still available.
  9. Eclipse Task-Force (E-TF) is a competitive DCS squadron which was formed in 2020, we have been flying competitively for a long time now. We are looking for competent pilots who know their airframes well, we have very regular practice internally and have a very dedicated bunch of players. How joining E-TF works: When new pilots join they are enlisted in a Sub squadron called (E-TF Gemini), which is a cadet squadron within E-TF, Gemini pilots go through training to get them to the level or skill required to be able to compete in competitive DCS, after pilots prove them self's they are then transferred to E-TF diamond ( The main competitive team) What we require: Pilots need to be proficient in the airframe they choose to fly, we will provide training in E-TF but need the pilots to know how to fly the airframe well already, the practice and training we will provide is gonna be training related to competitive, things pilots need to learn to be able to compete and play at the highest level. Time Zones: We don't have a Set time zone, but we normally practice on the weekends around 1800 Zulu Some of our past results: Results: SATAL 2020 - 3-4th place Finish TACT 2021.1 - 3rd place Finish TACT 2022.2 - 2nd place Finish [Joint with D3W] SATAL 2021 6v6 - 3-4th Place Finish SATAL 2021 4v4 - 2nd Place Finish SATAC 2021 - 1st place Finish SATAC 2022 - 2nd place Finish ACES 23-1 - 2nd place Finish If you have any questions or wish to Apply feel free to join our discord, (If you have any questions feel free to DM) https://discord.gg/cymvtEYG5T https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcPtfQuq6Dg
  10. Yeah, I've also wondered why we can't carry 2x Mk82 on the inner pylon, or the ls6 100, or 250 in the inner pylon, would be pretty cool, you would be able to have 8 LS-6's and still have a pod or bag...
  11. Hi there, I was just curious why our JF-17 can't carry a dual rack of PL5's, they SD-10 and the PL5 use the same launcher rail, so on paper they should be able to by mounted on a dual rack right?
  12. Is there is a chance we get the WS13E in our DCS JF ?, It is confirmed by the PAF so its just a matter of time. would love to know Thanks @uboats
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