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About MivwTaupos

  • Birthday 09/17/1993

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  • Flight Simulators
  • Location
    Hong Kong

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  1. maybe issue after udpate? I dont know bcz I just bought the campaign, thanks.
  2. the awac some reason no response anymore after times later
  3. Can I just chagne the a-10 to other plane to play? I find out I cannot even click the atc f-10 option to request start up?
  4. When I do steam verification, it shows 13 files failed to validate and will be reacquired
  5. still cant fix it , please someone help me, i updated the lastest log file dcs.log
  6. I verified steam but it still the same, crush with the server that I want to join. @Flappie alright I m reboot and doing test now
  7. @BIGNEWY i only have tacview, vaicompro, srs, theese 3 mods @Flappie I have 32GB memory, I think its enough.
  8. automatic jump out to desktop and close the game while attempt to join multiplayer server, when the loading bar reach middle, visualizer start simulation status, not all the server does, some does, some doesnt, not because of luck but something real, if the server is crash, will crash everytime. if the server works, it always work. dcs.log
  9. first of all, I changed it into f-18, I don't know does it matter because I can't read the backstage, but other mission seem work fine. I mean I havn't finish all yet but I played until mision 10, others are fine.
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