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Embarking not working in Multiplayer.

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Okay, this is going to sound a bit like my melon has been thumped, but here goes.....


I have been working on a mission by where Huey's are able to embark troops from a FARP and disembark them at one of two points on the map, one north, and one east of the friendly AB. I created 4 sets of platoons and called them: North Alpha, North Beta, East Alpha, and East Beta..... All four of these platoons are embarked from the same point and disembark at their perspective LZ's. This works fine. I embark all four platoons to the Huey and I don't even have to tell the Huey to embark the troops. After building the scenario, I test it using the map editor "fly mission" feature and all is good and it works beautifully. I then make the mission hot in multi-player and again, all works beautifully.


Then, I added a Spy Extraction piece where a single unit is deep in enemy territory and needs to be extracted. The spy is a single infantry unit and is extracted from an EZ (extraction zone) after about a 45 min flight in the huey to get there. After picking him up, the huey should fly the spy back to Kobeleti for debrief..... No problem.... Spy's first WP is set to embark to UH-1's and his second WP is to disembark at the drop zone, then he continues on to a tent......


Then I test the mission in the ME "Fly mission" feature. Everything works great so I toss it up on the net. To my dismay, when I fly over to the first Pickup Zone to get a set of troops and the F6-Decent option does not appear in the menu when using the \ key. So I cant pick up any of my troops. So I'm like, "WTF?" and fly 45 min up to the spy. Again, No option to embark from the huey. So I am like, "WT-45 minutes of flying-F?"


So I go back to the editor to see what I mucked up. Everything seems cool, so I use the "fly mission" feature in the ME to make sure I am not crazy. Everything works fine...... So I fire it back up in multi-player thinking that it must have been a fluke. Nope... F-6 again not an option when in multi-player. Again, "WTF?"


So I have been F'n with this for about a month now. Even rebuilt the mission from the ground up, only to get the same results.


Then, it dawns on my that the 4 sets of troops embarking points may be too close together and they may be waiting on each other to get to their waypoints. I back off the embarking points so they cant cross and fire up the mission. Still, same results....


It seems as though if I have multiple Pickup zones (for embarking) that the feature doesn't work at either place in multiplayer.


Things I have attempted:

- I tried to set the embarking on the huey to include the 4 platoons in one embarking order and created a second embarking order to include the spy, pointing each embarking order at its perspective area.

- I tried not set the embarking option in the huey.

- I tried setting all units in a single embarking order in the huey.

- I tried setting the spy to not spawn until the huey was close.

- I tried embarking the spy to a mi-8

- I tried to set specific huey for each group embarked.


Anyone else having this problem?

Edited by HawgDawg4Life

HawgDawg4life of MSFlights.net



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Hey there HawgDawg


As far as I know the embark-disembark only works in single player exclusively. To get the same results in MP you may need to utilize the CTTS script. With cloned units at the pick up and drop LZ's. Its an option you might be able to utilize to get the desired results.

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odd, cuz I have others that work fine. at least with a single pickup zone.


Regardless. thanks for the info. I have adjusted my map accordingly. took some creative triggering, but I was able to remove the embarking pieces for a "bag of tricks" to make it function with triggers. Doesnt do exactly what I wanted, but willing to compromise to make this mother F'r work.. lol

Edited by HawgDawg4Life

HawgDawg4life of MSFlights.net



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Hey there HawgDawg


As far as I know the embark-disembark only works in single player exclusively. To get the same results in MP you may need to utilize the CTTS script. With cloned units at the pick up and drop LZ's. Its an option you might be able to utilize to get the desired results.


Okay, this cant be correct because I Do have other missions with multiple pickup points that embark and disembark in multi-player.

HawgDawg4life of MSFlights.net



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