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A Collective Question. (I am not Borg.)

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Hi All


I can't see a specific forum for UH-1H questions. Sorry if I'm just going blind in my old age. :)


For the most part DCS makes it easy even for a dunce like me to set up peripherals, (though I don't play with those graphs and curves) but setting the throttle on my Saitek X52 Pro for use with the Huey has led me a dance today.


Having just run the startup tutorial, I found that moving the throttle actually lowered the rpm, regardless of whether or not I had the axis inverted. But I finally worked out that I'd got it wrong by setting the throttle to...well...throttle and not collective as I should have.


Then I had to fight with the slider switch on the throttle, which for some reason had also been allocated to collective. (I didn't do that, that wasn't me!) But in the end (at least for now) I managed to get everything where I "think" I want it.




I have to bring the collective stick up to about half way before the Huey gets light on its skids and while of course I have no real point of reference, this seems a little excessive. Is that the way it's supposed to be? Or am I going to have to revisit the axis tuning and do something in there.


Also, which dial am I supposed to be looking at to see a change as I move the collective lever? Because the rpm gauge seemed to stay the same and I didn't notice anything else moving.

I realsie that there's not going to be a digital power bar representation or anything like that to help me balance the throttle vs forward movement, but it feels like there should be something at least. :)


Thanks fellas.



Edited by GreyBadger
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Hi All


I can't see a specific forum for UH-1H questions. Sorry if I'm just going blind in my old age. :)


It is a sub-forum of the "Belsimtek"-forum.


I have to bring the collective stick up to about half way before the Huey gets light on its skids and while of course I have no real point of reference, this seems a little excessive. Is that the way it's supposed to be? Or am I going to have to revisit the axis tuning and do something in there.

That is the way it is implemented by Belsimtek at the moment. But some people here claim, that it is in fact not correct and consider this as a bug. If I understand them correctly, they would expect the relation of collective position <-> power available should be more linear.

You can of course try and adjust your axis curve so that you have more "relevant axis range" left on your device.


Also, which dial am I supposed to be looking at to see a change as I move the collective lever? Because the rpm gauge seemed to stay the same and I didn't notice anything else moving.

I realsie that there's not going to be a digital power bar representation or anything like that to help me balance the throttle vs forward movement, but it feels like there should be something at least. :)

Now you got me ... I fly mostly, uhm, "intuitively" *cough*. But if I recall correctly, there is a torque meter which is relevant ... but for balancing vertical vs. horizontal movement, I mainly keep an eye on the vertical velocity indicator and having a glance at the altimeter and airspeed indicator occasionally.

Edited by Flagrum
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Thanks for the quick response Flagrum. :thumbup:



It is a sub-forum of the "Belsimtek"-forum.

Wow, that's buried deep! :lol: Thanks for that, I'll copy this post over there. Apologies here for posting in the wrong place. D'oh!



That is the way it is implemented by Belsimtek at the moment. But some people here claim, that it is in fact not correct and consider this as a bug. If I understand them correctly, they would expect the relation of collective position <-> power available should be more linear.

You can of course try and adjust your axis curve so that you have more "relevant axis range" left on your device.

Well I think you've covered it Flagrum. I'll let the question ride on the other side, but only to see if anyone has anything else interesting to add.


All the best


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