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Still need some more correction for the errors and bugs.


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someone said the missile physics problem? someone said VIKHR too fast?


someone make a DCS Missile mod?



they ask the Eagle Dynamics to implement the missile mods into the next update? all the simmers just want to play with the simulator that simulated to real life if possible. This should not be just a blind fake adjustment of missile just to make the US equipment dominated everything.


the Eagle Dynamics and DCS World team should be able to program all the real world physics with all those engineering and science calculation in to those stuff.


I don't know how fast is the VIKHR missile? Wikipedia.org said 600m/s? but on which condition? launch from static 0km/h launcher? or launch from a fast moving vehicle?,


if the specification said 600m/s was launch from static 0KM/H launcher, then if the VIKHR launch from fast moving SU-25T at 600KM/H, off course the VIKHR would reach beyond 600m/s.


from the DCS missile mods, they complaint about Russian missile should be shorter range than the US missile? , the missile adjustment is not just to adjust to anyway it perform as anyone like, it should be match the real world specification with all those real world physics, ....


the recent study on why the F-15C and AIM-120 missile gain famous for Air superiority of effective weapons. Where did the American fight with those weapons? they fought at IRAQ and Afghan and Israel ' F-15A against Syrian 's MIG-21, down only 2 MIG-25.


from the world map, google map or Bing map, everyone can see clearly the nation IRAQ was quite small, the moment operation desert storm or Iraqi freedom, those Iraqi was fought ALONE. The American throw several thousand? fighters aircraft, Cruise missile, B-2 stealth bomber.......


the things that knock out the Iraqis 's defence was those GPS/satellite guided Cruise missile that hit the air defence and airfield, the F/A-18, F-15, F-16 attack in great number with about 5-10 versus 1, then the B-2 bomber destroy the remaining defence, Apache and A-10 hitting ground force...., the AWACS, UAV locate the Iraqis fighter aircraft and they throw 5-10 versus 1.



the problem, I fly the SU-25T and can lock on the air target with Shkval optical TV within 10-8KM and attack with VIKHR, but when I fly the KA-50 equipped with the same Shkval optical TV, the KA-50 cannot lock the air target within 10-8KM? but the TV clearly identified the moving object is an OBJECT. this is weird?


ALOT OF vehicle data values was varied?

check the attached picture, the best accurate should be the SU-27





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The rockets pods also look bad, lack of detail,

the good thing in the stock rocket pod was the launched rockets would removed from the model, the previous rocket model mod kept the rocket in the pods even after all the rocket was launched.


the bad thing was the UB-32M1 rocket pods still in 2D texture model, the B-20 and UB-13 did not show the rockets munition?



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