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DCS F-15C Multiplayer Combat (My first video)

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Hi everyone!


This is my first attempt ever at making a video, so I was hoping I could stick it here and get some feedback not only on the video itself, but also any advice about my tactics and how I can improve. It will all be greatly appreciated! :)





EDIT: I have no idea how to fix that ^ :helpsmilie: So here is the link:


Edit: Fixed! Thank you mwd2 :D

Edited by AussieGhost789
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Hi everyone!


This is my first attempt ever at making a video, so I was hoping I could stick it here and get some feedback not only on the video itself, but also any advice about my tactics and how I can improve. It will all be greatly appreciated! :)





EDIT: I have no idea how to fix that ^ :helpsmilie: So here is the link:


Set only 4cLC3hngT9w into YOUTUBE-TAG, not the complet link and remove the url-TAG



Playing: F-16C

Intel i7-13700KF, 64GB DDR5 @5600MHz, RTX 4080 ZOTAC Trinity, WIN 11 64Bit Prof.

Squadron "Serious Uglies" / Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/2WccwBh


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For tactics

, the first engagement is pretty bad, you most likely should simply have ran when fired at, turned and came back 2/3 mins after or let your teamate do it. The only reason you survived was that he shot missiles with low Pk or was very unlucky. If you do not have the ennemy on scope (or are able to shoot in this case) when shot at, you already screwed up (although it happens to everyone once in a while). Just know that it is a pretty bad start for a fight.


2cd clip is much better. I'm not used to team attacks, but you might want to wait a little longer before taking a shot. The point of the Jammer is to confuse your ennemy on height, range and heading. If you want to use it, its on before the fight, even before he finds you. I later turn it off as its a way to make SARH ARH (they don't need airplane's radar to aim on you). If you have height advantage, you can get the bogey in NEZ while staying out of his NEZ : wait more beetwen shots. It seems like nothing, but it'll save you some missiles down the line.


3rd clip : Do not stay on HPRF (or radar strenght whatever the abreviation is) Alternate : its worse than the other 2. Cycle by yourself and you'll find targets on high as far as 75nm. If you are A LOT LOWER (like 10k ' here) you should not use SARH msl as youy'll need to run away before him to stay out of NEZ. (ah ok you know it). You might want to vary your scanning heights, not every server has an awacs.


Clip4: LOL nothing else to say XD


Clip 5 : I can't see if you have minimum chaff or flare, but after only 2 engagements it should not be the case. Fire less of them especially if it's chaffs. (EVEN if you lure the missile while it's 4nm away, i'll just head back to you after 1sec.)


For the video :

I was not able to read what was written on chat because of the quality. Every thing is hard to read might want to higher your recording quality.


Othe than that its all good. You are very economic on missiles sir, thats rare.

Edited by Ktulu2
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Hey Ktulu2,


Yeah, sorry about the video quality. It's actually all recorded in 1080p 60fps. But I didn't want the file size to be too big because Aussie upload speed leaves much to be desired :P That and it was my first ever go at doing a video, so I didn't really have much of an idea about what I was doing when it came to rendering.


I think my biggest issue with that first fight was that I was in Nav mode when I went to fire xD If I had actually gotten a shot off, I think that fight would have been over much quicker. He would have either died or ended up defensive. If that was the case, I would have been able to turn back onto him in a much more advantageous position. And like you say about not having the enemy on your scope when fired upon, usually if I have an opponent in that close I wouldn't continue to press into them, because that's just suicidal. In this case, I thought that I was able to shoot, which is why I didn't break until I did. I knew I had time to press just a little longer, to increase the Pk of my missile that was never fired (lol). Then, in that merge, I do admit that my maneuvering was pretty sloppy, and the only reason I won that was because he decided to try and disengage (maybe he lost sight of me?).


In the second fight, I fired my first shot at 10 miles, which is around where I usually shoot from. I might have waited a little longer in this case, but since I had been shot at, I fired at 10 miles and defended. As for jamming, I generally don't like to use it unless I know the opponent can see me. I used it in that case because I didn't want him taking any shots at long range to put me defensive. Once I had burned through his jammer, I turned mine off.


I will definitely take your advice on the PRF setting. I never really considered changing that, but I suppose I really should. And I didn't mean to fire an AIM-7 there :P And I usually do move the scan height up and down, but in this case we kept our radar off for a lot of the time, and relied on AWACS to point us in the right direction.


In the last clip, I was running low on chaff because I spent a lot of time defending against SAM's. That's the reason I did a bit of skipping there. I wanted to cut down on the video length, and there was a couple of minutes of just avoiding SAM's. I got myself in quite a pickle there :P


I do pride myself a little on my trigger discipline (except for at the end of the video, where I fired 3 missiles from terrible positions :P ). I used to fire missiles of in pairs (With a bit of spacing between them, of course) But I often found that the first missile often hit, making the second missile redundant. Of course there are occasions where you need to fire a missile to put your opponent on the defensive, but for me, those occasions are few and far between. Usually I'll be firing a missile from a position where I am confident that it will hit (Usually inside 10 miles). I don't fire pairs any more, unless I'm shooting at multiple targets, of course ;)


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