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VA and VAICOM with Joystick


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First of all, thank you for the tremendous work you made by creating VAICOM.

Unfortunately I am not able to make it work. VA works with my simple things, so basic knowledge of VA is there (is there hope?:cry:)

OK I have 7 Input devices connected. The AHK method from Davisson (thanks anyway) does not work as it shows only 0, whichever input device I trigger, so no option.

So I said simple, I go through all Joysticks and at the end I will find the right one. But nope. Making run the DirectX script it reports a failure at line 31 (3Joy33). But 33 is the right button but maybe not the right Joy. But it reports that on all.

In game I am understood by VA, but always the message wrong radio, or wrong receipent etc. (Yes Freq is tuned :smilewink:).

Ok a last thing, I work with a German Keybord on a english WIN10. But I have adapted the Comm Key (from / to Num/) as described in the note.

Running out of ideas. (I tried with M2M Profil only, as it is the only I (can) fly for the moment).

Gents any suggestions are highly welcome.


Thanks in advance.


Cheers Mutz

VAICOM DirextX key mapping.txt

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Hi Mutz


I just stumbled across your post. Let's see.

Maybe you can try to skip Autohotkey altogether and bind your joystick for PTT directly (see note attached to first post):




That's probably the easiest way forward.

If you changed \ to NUM\ check that in-game this physical key does indeed open the comms menu.

Let me know how it goes and send me a PM if you need more help.



There is no spoon.



VAICOM PRO plugin for DCS World


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You have to use autohotkey. Its a limitation of the VAICOM sysem. That said, he provides links to a single post someone made with an explanation of how to find what buttons to set it to on your joystick.

There's some fancy code you have to do if you want to use a modifier. I'll post that code when I ge home for the sake of the community.

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