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CH Products Control Manager v4.10 released (32 and 64 Bit)


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CH Products has released a new version of their Control Manager software which nows supports Windows 32 and 64 Bit. There is no need to delete any previous installs of v4.0 as this will automatically detect and update it but installations of older versions of Control Manager will need to be uninstalled first. As I said version 4.10 now supports Windows XP 32 bit and 64 bit and fixes a few issues from the previous version such as the CPU usage and list command issue. You can download the new version from CH Products Control Manager page here or from their public FTP linked below:


32 Bit control Manager (.zip)

64 Bit control Manager (.zip)

32 Bit control Manager (.exe)

64 Bit control Manager (.exe)


The CH Hangar also has mirrors for these files:


32 Bit Control Manager

64 Bit Control Manager

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