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Hi there.


Hope a similar thread doesn't already exist, but if so please refer me....


I would like to transfer my current installation of DCS (installed with only FC3) from my PC to my new laptop. I've copied over the folder to my laptop but I'm having some Starforce issues. (Starforce requests some keythat I dont have for some reason. I entered the key that came with the FC3 purchase with no luck)


Can someone please advise what the best way is to install DCS over to the laptop without having to do massive downloads?




DCSW stores license data in Windows registry, so obviously, when moving to new computer, You will be asked to enter any module license keys again, pretty much like in any non-Steam PC game out there.


You seem to be doing it right, although I would also deactivate FC3 on old PC, using in-game module manager - step not required, but allows you to save one out of ten activations.


If You're not sure what license key is tied to Your account, when on new PC, log in to Your ED shop account and the key will be right there. You should be able to use it then either in module manager, or even before launching the game, by going to /mods/[module name]/bin/ folder and running an executable protection file found there. That's how it works with individual aircraft modules. I don't own FC3, but I believe procedure should be the same.

i7 9700K @ stock speed, single GTX1070, 32 gigs of RAM, TH Warthog, MFG Crosswind, Win10.

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