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Big problems with VR in DCS?


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I have borrowed a Vive from work to test at home with DCS, but it really doesn't work very well. My computer is:


i7 4970K

GTX 980



The problem is that it's almost impossible to get a judder free experience. For example when running DCS on my 1920x1200 monitor, starting at Groom Lake runway, all settings high, except Visibility Range and Shadows on low, I get ~200fps with Fraps. However, the same settings on the Vive results in judder/double vision when rotating my head. Even setting everything to low still results in judder.


I've also tested 1.5 and I've managed to get rid of the judder by using the lowest settings possible and only fly over green hills with no trees. Then I get a perfectly smooth movement which feels amazing in comparison. But as soon as there are trees or inhabited areas it starts to judder.


I feel something must be wrong here. Do people really play DCS like this in VR or is there some setting that I don't know of that gets rid of the juddering?

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