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track file replays an alternate reality and rearming bug


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The track file I just recorded of me shooting down two MiG-21s then landing and rearming to attack two ships in the Ships mission is nothing like what happened when I recorded the track.


What the hell??


Also rearming caused me to not be able to chagne the depression of my gun sight leading me to believe that the gun sight was stuck in guns aa1 mode. I wasnt able to drop any ordance but I was able to jettison them okay. Yes I cycled the gun sight and was not on safe and I didnt have the weapons system in jettison mode - I cycled in and out of it as I jettisoned ordance. I was able to fire the aim9s after rearming though.



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Yep, the tracks are very inaccurate when you haven't cycled your stick a round. Even then they are inaccurate. They're just recording your inputs, the AI though can fly pretty different in the tracks.


Weird... I wonder why it shows me taxiing into the dirt where I rearmed and took off into a hangar?? LOL. None of those things happened either. Was it because I was fast forwarding?

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maybe your inputs from the stick were not synced with the inputs in the game. Happens to me everytime I start DCS, that's why I started making a full round with the stick and the throttle first.


Can you explain this a bit more? Do you mean move the stick and throttle when I start a normal mission or when I load a track file?


Everything was fine in the mission till I landed and rearmed.. and then in the track file the AI went all wonky and it shows me plowing into the dirt off a taxiway.

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Can you explain this a bit more? Do you mean move the stick and throttle when I start a normal mission or when I load a track file?


Everything was fine in the mission till I landed and rearmed.. and then in the track file the AI went all wonky and it shows me plowing into the dirt off a taxiway.


Just move your stick and throttle fully in every direction. You can check if it makes any difference if you put up the input thing (rctrl+enter). I usually do it before every flight.

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