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Missions don't launch

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I haven't been able to get my throttle control to work in the su 27 on the start up training mission so I thought I would just start up a normal mission only to find when I click mission,the sim loads and loads and loads and nothing happens.


I have this sim installed on a Samsung superfast m2 ssd drive so it can't be my drive.


Another question.


How do you repair a buggy install of DCS World as mine certainly is ,the trouble is I can't verify files as my install is a non Steam version.


Starting to think now,I have some bad files in my DCS World folder.

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I haven't been able to get my throttle control to work in the su 27 on the start up training mission so I thought I would just start up a normal mission only to find when I click mission,the sim loads and loads and loads and nothing happens.


I have this sim installed on a Samsung superfast m2 ssd drive so it can't be my drive.


Another question.


How do you repair a buggy install of DCS World as mine certainly is ,the trouble is I can't verify files as my install is a non Steam version.


Starting to think now,I have some bad files in my DCS World folder.


Ok,I used the powershell cmds to clean and repair my install,rebooted but the problems remain.


Funny farm booked.

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