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[MOOSE] ATC_GROUND - Monitor and control airbase ground operations.


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13690775?s=40&v=4 FlightControl-Master released this 20 days ago · 103 commits to Release-2.3-alpha since this release


This update brings a new class ATC_GROUND to the MOOSE framework.


Consult the documentation of the ATC_GROUND classes for more information how to use.


This capability is designed for public (and clan) servers to make players "behave" on the runway.


The exact location of all the runways at the maps Caucasus, Nevada and Normandy have been assessed

and this information is incorporated in the ATC_GROUND classes in order to make this mechanism work.


This results in 3 classes for you to use:






If you have a public server, and you want to ensure that players are:


- Not speeding on the taxi ways.

- Not taking-off on the taxi ways.

- Only take-off on the run ways.

- Stay on the taxi ways and don't rally on the grass lol


Then this may be something for you to try.




Note that this version of MOOSE contain prototype methods, and are bound to change. However, when methods are changed, I will communicate that, so you can adapt your missions. I will try to keep the changes to the minimum.


The MOOSE framework come delivered in one lua file. There are two versions of this file, but with different file sizes.


  • Moose.lua (with comments) ... For mission designers, who are developing missions and want to check upon errors appearing in the dcs.log or have a detailed code reference etc.
  • Moose_.lua (without comments) ... For runtime environments, to facilitate quicker downloads of mission files and performance.

You can download the files in the Downloads section below. To use, include the Moose.lua in your .miz file using a DO SCRIPT Trigger. Mission Designers need to read here for a detailed usage description. Consult the MOOSE documentation for further details on the framework.




Edited by FlightControl



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13690775?s=40&v=4 FlightControl-Master released this 23 days ago · 141 commits to Release-2.3-alpha since this release


Updates on ATC_GROUND ...


List of changes:

  • ATC_GROUND now has default speed limits per map, and default takeoff prevention speeds per map. These speed limits can be modified using the underlying methods for all airbases or for one specific airbase.
    • For Caucasus: 50 km/h and 150 km/h.
    • For Nevada: 50 km/h and 150 km/h.
    • For Normandy: 40 km/h and 100 km/h.


    [*]ATC_GROUND: New methods to prevent players from taking off at the runway. Players are kicked without warning:

    • :SetMaximumKickSpeed() - Prevents takeoff speed limit in meters per second.
    • :SetMaximumKickSpeedKmph() - Prevents takeoff speed limit in kilometers per hour.
    • :SetMaximumKickSpeedMiph() - Prevents takeoff speed limit in miles per hour.


    [*]ATC_GROUND: Updated methods to limit the speed on the airbases:

    • :SetKickSpeed() - Specifies speed limit in meters per second.
    • :SetKickSpeedKmph() - Specifies speed limit in kilometers per hour.
    • :SetKickSpeedMiph() - Specifies speed limit in miles per hour.



For those who want to use the latest of the latest, use the following Moose.lua files...

Note that this version of MOOSE contain prototype methods, and are bound to change.

However, when methods are changed, I will communicate that, so you can adapt your missions.

I will try to keep the changes to the minimum.

The MOOSE framework come delivered in one lua file. There are two versions of this file, but with different file sizes.


  • Moose.lua (with comments, larger file) ... For mission designers, who are developing missions and want to check upon errors appearing in the dcs.log or have a detailed code reference etc.
  • Moose_.lua (without comments, smaller file) ... For runtime environments, to facilitate quicker downloads of mission files and performance.

You can download the files in the Downloads section below.

To use, include the Moose.lua in your .miz file using a DO SCRIPT Trigger. Mission Designers need to read here for a detailed usage description. Consult the MOOSE documentation for further details on the framework.






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