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AV-8B Helios


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Hi BlueFinBima,



Just wondering if you ever came up for air and released the Harrier profile?



We would love to test it for you! :smilewink:



Thanks for all your work on Helios. There are more of us out there than you may realize and we are grateful.



Thanks again! :thumbup:

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apologies for this still not being available, but I have had no time to package and test.


Some intrepid Harrier pilots spotted that I'd made it available in September on github https://github.com/BlueFinBima/DCS-AV-8B-NA-Profile and I have not had any reports of serious (or any for that matter) problems. For now, until I find time to get the Harrier back into the air and do the testing and write some installation documentation that is needed before packaging in a more consumable fashion, github should be your destination if you have the experience to work out how to get the viewports etc to work.


Cheers, Neil


Latest Helios Virtual Cockpit Team version of Helios can be found on Github

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New level of Helios


Forgot to mention, anyone wanting to use the profile is advised to use the latest version of Helios 1.4.2019.0317 (or above) from https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3302014/.


Be warned that I have changed the version numbering so the windows installer will report that there is a newer version already installed so you'll have to uninstall manually via "Add / Remove Programs". I apologies for this annoyance, but once you;re on the new numbering scheme, it will be easier for future installs, and for you to be notified that there is a new version of Helios available.


Latest Helios Virtual Cockpit Team version of Helios can be found on Github

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hi guys, my only problem I have at the mo is cant get the MFds to export to my 2nd monitor im using 2 monitors 1 sat on top of the other (bottom been touchscreen running Helios1.4) and using BluFinBimas profile ,both running at 1920x1080. so if any 1 can help me out with the monitor config as I don't have a clue what to edit

Many thanks Phil

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hi guys, my only problem I have at the mo is cant get the MFds to export to my 2nd monitor im using 2 monitors 1 sat on top of the other (bottom been touchscreen running Helios1.4) and using BluFinBimas profile ,both running at 1920x1080. so if any 1 can help me out with the monitor config as I don't have a clue what to edit

Many thanks Phil

Hi Phil,

In the repo for the AV-8B profile, there is a monitor config called AV-8B Config.lua. It is designed for my DCS PC so the viewports are crammed together to save space, but in IRIS\Iriris.xml the ScreenPositionX & ScreenPositionY coordinates for the viewports might help you with the positioning on your second monitor.


Hope this helps. Neil


Latest Helios Virtual Cockpit Team version of Helios can be found on Github

BlueFinBima Helios YouTube

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Cheers BluFinBima will give it ago, do I need to put the IRIS folder anywhere in particular?

Hi Phil, if you're running everything on the same machine, you don't need Iris at all, however the configuration file (iris.xml) contains co-ordinates for where the different viewports will be placed on a 1920x1080 screen.

Cheers, Neil


Latest Helios Virtual Cockpit Team version of Helios can be found on Github

BlueFinBima Helios YouTube

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  • 5 months later...

Firstly Helios 1.4.2019.0908 includes some changes to AV-8B artefacts, and all of the changes autobind to the interface which means that if you add the interface, when you drag a component eg UFC into the Profile Editor monitor, it should bind everything that is needed to the interface.


If you're missing images in your AV-8B profile, then this is likley because I have moved them into Helios resources. So if you have images that are in the form {Helios}/Images/AV-8B/xxx.png then the images should be able to be found in {AV-8B}/Images/xxx.png.


This release also removes the need to have viewports defined for the ODU and UFC.


Cheers, BlueFinBima


Latest Helios Virtual Cockpit Team version of Helios can be found on Github

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  • 3 weeks later...

Updates to the AV-8B Artefacts in 1.4.2019.0930


A few more breaking changes in the latest release of Helios (sorry), but all of the updates should be autobinding which means that as long as the AV-8B interface has be loaded in Profile Editor, the new parts of the AV-8B should automatically hook into the interface.


There is also a Front Cockpit device which is much of the cockpit in a single chunk.


Interested in any feedback Harrier drivers might care to provide.


Cheers, BlueFinBima


Latest Helios Virtual Cockpit Team version of Helios can be found on Github

BlueFinBima Helios YouTube

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Hi guys,

Was wondering if anyone has the Harrier profile working and would be kind enough to maybe put there working profile up with images and so on..


Might help the guys out who arnt any good with Helios ( me in lncluded ) to get back up and flying a bit quicker



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I didn't realise that the changes made broke the older profile so catastrophically. Sorry about that.:music_whistling:

https://github.com/BlueFinBima/DCS-AV-8B-NA-Profile/blob/master/Profiles/AV-8B.hpf is the best I can do with the older profile.

I've quickly cobbled together a new style profile which is here https://github.com/BlueFinBima/DCS-AV-8B-NA-Profile/blob/master/Profiles/AV8BNAv3.hpf


You MUST take the following actions!!!!!!!!!


Notes: you must have 1.4.2019.1005 for the latter profile, and the positions of the MFD's have moved a little. No other viewport exports are necessary with AV8BNAv3.hpf.

Finally, you will also have to press the "Setup DCS AV-8B" which is on the AV-8B Interface tab in "Profile Editor".


Once again, sorry for causing grief, but it is all in the name of "progress".


Latest Helios Virtual Cockpit Team version of Helios can be found on Github

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys hope some 1 can help. had to do a full reinstall of windows so lost all my stuff.

Im using latest version of Helios and v3 Harrier from BluFinBima on initial test with helios all works fine I can see the panels and swap them between flight, ground, clear them and hide helios, however when I do a monitor reset for my configuration which is 1 monitor on top of the other(bottom been my touchscreen) at 1920x1080 then launch the profile I see the cockpit but no panels show any1 got any ideas

Many thanks Phil

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Phil, it is possible that the reset monitors is causing the bindings to get lost. https://github.com/BlueFinBima/Helios/issues/117#issuecomment-467985655 might hold a possible circumvention if this is the problem. Obviously the starting point will need to be a profile which still has all of the bindings.


Latest Helios Virtual Cockpit Team version of Helios can be found on Github

BlueFinBima Helios YouTube

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