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About Fakum

  • Birthday 01/01/1963

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    North East, USA

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  1. @Raptor9 @bradmick Thanks guys. I did reference the manual by the way, looked at the symbology and its explanations of what each symbol means, but I couldnt for some reason put it into action in my mind until Raptors specific explanation above. Then it all clicked! Many thanks to both of you for elaborating for me.
  2. I see your point about the distance showing up as a Nav range of 16.1. but where is the "direction data in the bottom of the symbology,"? Is he referring to the LOS DOT in the field of regard box? Additionally, I was using the term "DIRECTION" in regards to the HOME PLATE symbol, or even the CARROT on the heading tape, but I presume at this point, that wont be the case using this method correct? That was my ultimate goal, but I am learning something here of significant value anyway.
  3. @Raptor9 Thank you very much for elaborating, I am however very confused about something, and I expect I am missing something here. You state above: I personally find it easier just to use it as the acquisition source (ACQ) instead of setting it as the navigation destination. This provides the same range and direction data in the bottom of the symbology, Where does this method provide range and direction in the HMD symbology? My screen shot above was taken with selecting the target T01 from the COORD page as well, and as you can see, it is the ACQ, but the range and direction is still showing range and direction for W01, so I think Im missing a step then perhaps to show the ACQ range and direction? Thanks,
  4. Is there another way to do a “Direct To” for your Targets that you saved so it shows up in the HMD Waypoint Status so I can see the distance in the HMD? What I have been doing to get this info to show in the HMD is to do a Direct To and then slew the curser over the target I want, then press ENTER. That will show me the Target Number and the Distance just the way I want it. I do find that way quite challenging though at times, especially if I have saved several targets in the same area. I have to zoom in on the map. Slew around, and try and find the specific target I want. I typically am in “ATK” mode, and I can bring up the Target List and select the target I want, but it wont display the Target # or the distance to it if I use this method. Is selecting it with the curser on the map and hitting enter the only way to get its info to show on the HMD? Thanks, null
  5. I havnt seen any chatter on this anywhere else, does anyone know if this is being looked at for next patch?
  6. The switch to turn off the Launcher is in the "MISC" section
  7. This worked for me,, I can now login, Thanks! But now Im getting this freakin message? What the heck is that about? null
  8. I have the same issue,,, no MODS installed either, Oh, and (2) full repair attempts as well, still no go!
  9. This is more of a Wish List item, not a bug (Im taking a guess).
  10. Yes, Casmo's Hellfire Tutorial covers this
  11. I use the same micro stick axis on my throttle for my other aircraft as well, TGP, Apache curser slew etc. The Kiowa is the only module that has this issue. VERY annoying trying to slew the MMS under these conditions!
  12. I have been annoyed by this as well! Thanks for posting up on it.
  13. I 2nd that, yes, plz fix as a priority!
  14. Same for me. Virpil CM3 throttle as well
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