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Monitor Setup Help

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I could use a little help trying to figure out multi-monitor support. In fact, after a night of trying to get this figured out I seem to have messed up my install of DCS 2.5 so bad that DCS wont even start now.




I have been trying to get DCS to display the cockpit on 1 screen, the LMFCD on another and the RMFCD on a 3rd...seems simple enough. So I created my own lua file based on the camera+LMFCD (that way I wouldn't mess up original files) and started playing. I just couldn't get it to display on two different monitors. I tried playing with Windows settings to see if my primary display setting was an issue and all sorts of things. Nothing seemed to work.




But now I have a bigger problem - when I fire up DCS I get the initial splash screen but when the main UI should come up and the menu music should start all I get is a black window and no sound. What happened? The only file I was messing with was my custom monitorsetup file. I even deleted my options.lua file in my saved games folder to see if something really got messed up but even that didn't fix the issue.






Any suggestions on how to just get back to a working config?

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Update - okay, I finally got DCS to start up again by deleting my custom monitor config lua file. Even though it wasn't being referenced in any options it must have still been getting pulled in somehow. I figured this out by looking at he DCS log file and noticing that the sim was failing to load the UI and was still giving some error about unable to load my monitor file. renaming the file to something else caused the sim to reset and now start properly.



So back to my original issue - I'm trying to use the display parameters (instead of viewports) to set up my monitors but nothing seems to work. Any good examples - I've tried reading through the various existing configs and I see references to using displays to configure things exactly to a customer set up but I must be missing something.

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Thanks Len - a lot of what's there (and there is a ton of posts) seems to be old and possibly outdated but it got me pointed in the right direction. thanks!



At least now after a little more experimenting I have my 3+1 monitor setup (5760 x 1080 for UI and 19020x1080 for MFCD extracts) working well enough that I can get some flying in and see what other modifications I need. I'll post pics and config file here for others.

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