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Mission Editor Question - AI tanker escorts


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Done some searching to no avail - how do I set pu a fighter escort for a tanker to make an AAR sortie feel more alive?


I have tried 'follow', formaton, etc., and can't seem to get it to work - any help appreciated.






A-4E | F-5E | F-14B | F/A-18C | AV-8B NA | UH-1H | FC3 | Yak-52 | KA-50 | Mi-8 | SA-342

i7 8700K | GTX 1070 Ti | 32GB 3000 DDR4

FAA Comm'l/Instrument, FAST Formation Wingman, Yak-52 Owner/Pilot

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Thanks feefifofum, I tried that after your suggestion but still not working for me.


I have the S-3B set to travel airborne spawn to 1st waypoint, then orbit (circle), so I can practice rejoining and tanking in a circle (I am flying VSN F/A-18C mod). I've tried Tomcats and Hornets as escorts and with both the follow and now escort command, but after the Tanker goes into its' enroute job the fighters peel off and boogey back to the Bush.


I am sure it is a setting or option checkbox somewhere I am missing - still new to the whole DCS World and just want to get ready for when the Hornet releases.




A-4E | F-5E | F-14B | F/A-18C | AV-8B NA | UH-1H | FC3 | Yak-52 | KA-50 | Mi-8 | SA-342

i7 8700K | GTX 1070 Ti | 32GB 3000 DDR4

FAA Comm'l/Instrument, FAST Formation Wingman, Yak-52 Owner/Pilot

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In the advanced options for the escort tasking, there is a "last waypoint" (or something along those lines, can't remember the exact verbiage off the top of my head) option; the fighters only escort the tanker until this point.


If your tanker only has a single, circle orbit waypoint, the last waypoint option for the escort will automatically be set to 1; when your tanker reaches said waypoint, the escort will depart.


Build your tanker a longer flight plan including an approach and landing waypoint. Even if you never push him outside of his orbit, you can then tell his escort to stick with him until his approach waypoint and they won't go home as soon as he begins his orbit.


Once you've created multiple waypoints, his orbit settings will automatically switch to a racetrack between the starting waypoint of the orbit and the next waypoint in his flight plan, so remember to switch it back to "circle" if that's what you're going for. :thumbup:

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