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f-14 Bugs after most recent update 6/10/2019


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Recently, ive noticed some things about the f-14 that seem to be bugs, but let me know if im wrong about anything.


ran updater, then ran repair after the update.


- fuel gauge was reading 400 and plane ran out of fuel, on final approach. lol. ive been low a few times, and never saw such a buffer between out and reading 400 on instruments.


-Data link seems to be off. radar IFF on the datalink side is slower than plane side, never seen that if using correctly

-Data link wasnt showing carrier current location that im linked with. Use to be home plate with slash thru it for current DL Feeder carrier

-Tacan is working correctly for a/a and also carrier

-Locking targets, had issues with target lock not following actual plane. will hard lock an area that target was previously, doesnt follow target smoothly. Had good angle on him, dont think it was notching. Lock Diamond was sticking on vapor trail behind plane (WVR)


Jester AI issues-

-His callouts when locking targets are off. When locking Enemy, he is saying its friendly. Vice Versa too. said it was enemy when i had friendly locked.

- He was calling out enemy on my six with nobody behind, and seems to be aware of missles and plane action much further than recent. "fights on" was triggered with the only known bandit 80 miles out.

-Radio inputs are off, not synced up with proper radio channels. Saw a post on this. radios working fine as long as you manually enter on pilot side. Manual input was not working correctly for Jester, ex tell him to input 132000 and he inputs 124675

-seems to be using radar in a different manner, the cone is wider on standard. when he TWS locks somebody, the cone becomes tighter and looks like it use to look on default. ( not sure if this is correct or wrong, just noticed differences since last time flying)


f-14 Is still the Love of my Life. I havent touched another plane since this thing was released. love it to death, and the quality is apparent. Hopefully some of these can help polish this thing up!

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