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UN Campaign Mission 13

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Hey guys, I know the UN campaign is a bit of a bugbear but I am now stuck. I just wanted to make sure the issue was on the radar, because I think it has a lot to do with the minigun re-balance.


I suffered the formation flying, saved the dying troop guy, figured out I need to tell my wingman to lose his weapons etc, but now I am stuck.



Basically, I can put a CRAPLOAD of rounds on a Hummer and it doesn't die, it seems they are considered armored and I don't think that they really are. I don't think this is right. I understand they miniguns may have been too powerful but now they seem less than useful, really. The gun on the Hummer at least should be knocked out at say 75% hitpoints remaining.

In this mission there are a few of them to take out, combined with that and the fact that troops don't seem to be dying much either, you end up winchester long before the mission is complete, even if you get lucky and take out a Hummer with rockets. The wingman is basically useless too.

Also, there is a point in this mission where the blackhawks won't takeoff because they are under fire. So they sit there, under fire. On the ground. Oh no, let's not fly away from the bad men with guns.

As a suggestion if there are RPGs there, at least make them takeoff when the RPGs have been taken out.

So, there's only 6 of the enemy left. And I am winchester. And my wingman decides to crash because he seems to be set to fly underground or something. And all I can do is fly around. This mission has some really strange things going on.


This campaign needs an overhaul, IMO, tweaking won't suffice.


Anyways in the meantime I'll start the Argo campaign. I hope the UN one gets fixed up.

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These are the reasons I still run DCS 1.5.7 for serious playing. Most material out there are originally made for the DCS 1, and got heavily bugged in the transition to DCS 2. I say "transition" because 1.5.8 introduced several new things common with the DCS 2 beta, including much worse AI helicopter behavior. It wasn't good pre 1.5.8 either, but manageable.

With the new "realistic" efficiency of ground unit armor even many missions/campaigns originally made for DCS 2.5 got bugged too.

Helicopters and Viggen

DCS 1.5.7 and OpenBeta

Win7 Pro 64bit

i7-3820 3.60GHz

P9X79 Pro


GTX 670 2GB

VG278H + a Dell

PFT Lynx

TrackIR 5

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