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Changing the resolution of a DCS bios axis

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A friend of mine is having speed issues with inputs. He currently has 30 analog inputs to DCS bios running at 1024 each. It takes 10 seconds for a input to register. We're trying to drop that down to 8 bits or lower if possible. But I have no experience with DCS BIOS.


Thanks for the help

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I think your question needs to be clarified a bit. DCS BIOS itself should have no issues handling that many inputs at once. The issue is probably in the Arduino code that your friend is using. Although it does take some time to do an analog read, 30 analog reads also should not take anywhere near 10 seconds. Chances are there's some other code that's blocking the Arduino from reading the analog inputs as fast as it's capable of. If you can provide the code, that will help with troubleshooting.

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