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[NOT A BUG] IFF scans whole azimuth even when radar is limited in azimuth


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It is my understanding that the IFF-system is gimbaled to the radar antenna.

In the F-16 I can run the TDC against the right or left side in RWS mode to get a smaller azimuth scan from the radar.

That means the antenna will only move in that azimuth limit.


Hitting TMS left to get an IFF interrogation going will still give you responses from the whole azimuth range. This does not seem correct.


No track as this happened in a huge mission.

Lincoln said: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

Do not expect a reply to any questions, 30.06.2021 - Silenced by Nineline

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AIFF is synonymous with the ability to interrogate other users. Not all F-16s can do that but the variant DCS models can. If that's not AIFF then I misspoke. AN/APX-101 vs APX-113 (125?).


And I don't believe the IFF interrogation is through the radar. Instead it's the bird slicer antennas on the nose that can steer the beam as needed. It's mechanically independent from the radar. It can steer laterally but it's fully beam in elevation. Even fully narrow the beam is still quite wide in azimuth. In the CNTL page of the FCR you can choose to couple/decouple the IFF from the radar LOS.


Choosing a SCAN or LOS interrogate is done by the duration of the TMS left press. The preferences for how to perform SCAN or LOS interrogations are done through the INTG DED page and are independent of each other.

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At the moment in DCS we basically have MODE 4 .. nothing else.

So basically APX-101 level, no mode S or mode 5 of the APX-113 :-(


And - while I will check - I would be surprised if they had modelled the decouple / couple settings, yet.


At the moment from the FCR it looks like the IFF sweeps one sweep with the radar and then displays the results.

Which makes little sense of the radar azimuth is shrunk.


In the future I think you're absolutely right, we can control it. But for now it appears to be coupled and thus a bug, that was my worry and thus I reported it.

Lincoln said: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

Do not expect a reply to any questions, 30.06.2021 - Silenced by Nineline

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