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TACVIEW not recognised AND multi player tracks dont show my jet


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Hi guys,

I am not sure if this is a bug or something else, but hopefully there is some wise sage out there that can help me?


I did a clean install of all my DCS kit about a month ago as I started flying again for the F16.


However, for some reason TACVIEW is not recognised in the DCS splash screen (like SRS or the other modules) - its like it doesnt know it there.


On top of that, I recently went to a track file of a multi player flight to support an F16 bug, but the flight only shows my wingman (not an Ai, a 'real' player) but not my jet - as if I am not there. We were the only two objects in the whole mission. I would add that I was the host and as i say, it showed my wingman, not me.


When I receive TACVIEW ACMI files from others - I still dont show in their TACVIEW files - its as if I am not there?


I wonder if there is some major glitch, or a privacy box that needs to be checked or un-checked or some LUA conflict? I dont know as i am hopeless at fixing these types of issues.


Does this seem familiar to anyone out there that might be able to suggest a fix?


PSA my TACVIEW config luas luas from saved games/openbeta/scripts (happy to attach any others that people feel might be at fault).


I am on the most up to data version of open beta and latest versions of helios, tacview and SRS.


Thanks in advance.





Edited by Sharpe_95
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Since the last DCS update ( our server's Tacview recordings have some timestamping problems (everything is dated from april 17th) and I have experienced the same kind of problem as you : my plane was labelled with some other pilot name (who also had his own plane flying in the ACMI).




Not sure about your TacView problem, but for you to show up in your recordings you need to tick

"Resume on load" in your advanced Server settings.

Why ? Care to elaborate, please ?

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