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Mirror Image reversed


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I'm not sure if the latest OB update changed something to the cockpit mirror but i can't remember seeing the pilot from this angle. Just noticed now that the mirror image moves in reverse to the actual pilot. When i move forward closer to the mirror, the mirror image moves backwards.

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That is because the pilot doesn't move. So as you move your view forward, the chair and the pilot in it get further away. This problem exists with all aircraft that show the pilot in the mirror. The pilot would have to be animated so that when you move your head, his body leans and his head turns to match your head position. I don't expect this to be done, but it sure would be cool, especially in VR.


What would be nice is having the pilot image in the mirror disappear when you don't have the virtual pilot in the seat: i.e. when you toggle show pilot, the image in the mirror appears and disappears with the virtual pilot.


I will say I was pleasantly surprised to see the pilot in the mirror. I love this effect even if he isn't animated to match my head/body position. It definitely wasn't on the released list of changes.

Edited by streakeagle


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