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About Eagles787

  • Birthday 05/03/1973

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, Aerofly FS2

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  1. Eagles787

    DLSS "update"

    DLSS only works in the MT version of DCS. So just copy the new 3.7 DLSS file (nvngx_dlss.dll) to your bin_mt folder to get the new 3.7 DLSS. If you just want to modify the standard DLSS preset you can run the DLSSTweakConfig.exe file from any location and select GlobalForcedPreset to any preset you want (E seems to be a good new option). This does mean that all your games that use DLSS use this same preset. If you want individual Presets you'll also need to copy the other DLSSTweak files to your bin_mt folder and via the DLSSTweakConfig tool you can now apply settings like presets and more and only have them apply to the game folder that you are in.
  2. Eagles787

    DLSS "update"

    Yes I do get the same and have Preset E active. But only when I select the options from the Nvglobalprofile settings, the other DLSS tweaks don't work for me since it doesn't load the dll in standalone for some reason.
  3. Eagles787

    DLSS "update"

    Yes I did the registry tweak. And no i get no log file at all so it's not loading the nvngx.dll for some reason.
  4. Eagles787

    DLSS "update"

    Thanks for that, the only difference I see is that I use standalone DCS and not the Steam version. I will do some more troubleshooting to see if I can get it to work for me.
  5. Eagles787

    DLSS "update"

    Do you have this log file? Would you mind posting the content of it? Maybe I can figure out from it why it doesn't load the nvngx.dll for me. Thanks!
  6. Eagles787

    DLSS "update"

    Thanks if you could please check if the log file is being generated (dlsstweaks.log). Because if not, then DLSSTweaks is not doing anything for DCS. For me only the Nvidia global profile settings that you can set in the DLSSTweaksconfig tool are being applied, but those settings can also be set via the Nvidia profile inspector and DLSSTweaks is not needed for this. For me the new DLLS 3.7 with profile E selected does work very well with almost no ghosting anymore on displays or other aircraft. I'm using a Varjo Aero and DLSS quality in DCS.
  7. Eagles787

    DLSS "update"

    How did you get the nvngx.dll to load and apply the dlsstweaks.ini settings? There is supposed to be a log file created if the DLSSTweaker DLL is loaded. Even by applying the registry tool I cannot get it to load. It does pick up the Nvglobalprofilesettings though so I can select Preset E there. But not the individual settings.
  8. Has ED made any comments if the lack of OpenVR support is a bug or is this intentional and they will only support OpenXR from now on with the MT future of DCS?
  9. Three years later since this project was announced. Is anybody still working on this?
  10. I suggested the exact same changes for the current trim modes and posted a bug report, but it was closed immediately saying they will add a cheat assignment for trim reset. So it seems all they are getting from this long topic is adding a cheat function instead of seeing what are the fundamental issues with the current trim modes and why people are having problems with it. A trim reset function might be useful for some but is not going to solve that.
  11. I know there is a long thread in the Apache general section regarding Force trim and people having difficulties in trimming the aircraft. I just wanted to report the problem here under bugs as well so it can be looked at. Since nearly all of us use a centering spring input device for the cyclic due to the lack of FFB devices on the market, we have the choice in special options for trimming to select either Instant Trim or Center Trimmer mode. Currently both modes have some difficulties in it's operation. Instant Trim: When your cyclic is out of center and you press and release the trim button, your current cyclic stick position is stored as it's new center point and now on top your current stick position is added so that your total control input is basically doubled. It is difficult to return your cyclic to it's center position instantly and so it causes a jump in your aircraft's attitude. A small delay (eg. 0.5s or maybe a variable option) could be helpful here so you have a little time to return your cyclic to it's center position. This used to be the Default mode of trimming in the older modules like the Huey I think. Center Trimmer mode: When your cyclic is out of center and you press and release the trim button, your current cyclic stick position is stored as it's new centerpoint, however your control input is now frozen until you return your cyclic to it's center position. This is a good concept, but it is now possible to have difficulty in finding the exact center position to unfreeze your control axis. Many users have a long stick extension and loose springs for flying helicopters and this doesn't help in finding the center position. This can cause not having control of the aircraft for several seconds or even until a crash. In this case also a small time out delay could be helpful. If a control axis is not sensed to be centered after a certain time delay (eg. 1.0s or maybe a variable option) then the control input gets unfrozen and giving control back to the pilot. So with this option your controls unfreeze by either sensing center position, or the time out delay, whatever comes first. I think adding these timing options to the trimmer modes could make the operation of trimming more reliable, predictable and easier to use. We are stuck with spring centered input devices, and should have a user friendly trim system to accommodate for this limitation.
  12. You don't wait to trim until you are too far away from the trimmed condition you were in before. You trim during transitions to not having to fight your control forces during transitions. Once you are in a new steady state you finetune your trim. When you accelerate from hover to 120kts you are not going to fight your cyclic all the way till you reach that speed, you trim during the acceleration. In the end it's up to you if you want to hit that trim button or not during maneuvering. The problem right now with the Central Trimmer Mode is that it can lock you out of control if you do trim and can't find the exact central position of your stick because you are 1 or 2 degrees off center. On the Apache where also the rudder is trimmed, finding the exact center position of 3 axis at the same time can be quite difficult. Adding the timed release just makes sure you get control back of the aircraft after a certain pre-set time. That's all, it doesn't change how people want to trim or not trim, it just avoids the frozen controls situation when you do decide to trim.
  13. That's why it's nice to have a combination of the timed release together with sensing the central position. Your control axis would release based on whatever comes first. If you manage to recenter your controls within the timed release, you would get control back immediately. If because you are flying hard and you cannot find the exact center position or don't want to let go of the stick to find it, the timed release will give you control back. As long as you are near the center position at the timed release this would only give a small control input relative to the new trim position it stored the moment you pressed the trim button.
  14. If you add a timed release to the "Instant Trim" mode, then we are back to the "Default" trim mode we had in the past and was indeed much easier to work with. If on top now you also unfreeze the axis as soon as it senses the control input is centered, the "Center Position Trimmer", than we probably have the best trim system for a centering spring input device. You press the trim button, it holds your inputs to keep the aircraft in that attitude, you return your controls to (near) central position, as soon as it senses either your center position OR when the time delay is finished, you get control back. Seems to be the most intuitive solution to me. Add on top a reset trim button for instant neutral trim for the pilots that like to use that to get quickly in a near trim condition for hover and we are good to go. Right now all current trim options are missing the ball one way or the other.
  15. Well my post was in response to Scoobie's where he is highlighting the biggest problem with the implementation of the Central Position Trimmer. Being locked out of your controls due to not being able to quickly find the exact center of your stick is what's causing most of the out of control issues when you need to trim quickly like in combat flying. For that reason a combination of the old Default trim mode and the Central Position Trimmer would make trimming much easier as you would not be locked out of your controls for more than 1s or whatever value you give it if you can't return your inputs to exactly the center position. And being not exactly centered on your cyclic is much easier to deal with when your axis unfreezes than having no control at all or not trimming due to this current limitation.
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