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To Tez....Please Faster Response


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Tez, Today I received the package, but inside there was The Lock On Flaming Cliffs Manual!?


I order the game not the manual. What I´m supossed to do now?

Please I need a faster response.




Practically 1 Month awaiting the game:mad:


AMD Phenom IIx4 955 Black Edition@3.2Ghz

Asus M4A785TD-M EVO 6Ghz DDR3 1033

NVidia Geforce GTX 570 hd1280 Mb GDDR5

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Hello Again.


Please does any moderator know if tez is active right now?

Should I talk to another person?

please somebody answer my question. 24hs since my last post and still no response.:(




AMD Phenom IIx4 955 Black Edition@3.2Ghz

Asus M4A785TD-M EVO 6Ghz DDR3 1033

NVidia Geforce GTX 570 hd1280 Mb GDDR5

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