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F14 Module Logitech/Saitech X56 Hotkey assign issues + a slight fix

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Hi Everyone,

Great to finally be able to get on the forums and start connecting with you guys, Im stuck in China so even creating an account was difficult.

Unfortunately my first post is a bit of a ridiculous one, please see below:

I have a Saitech/Logitech X56, which for FC3 and F18 ( After I found a fix) has been working AMAZINGLY for the last few months that I have had it. However, I recently bought the F14 module during the steam sale... and boy oh boy....

Let me first explain my fix for the famous Mode 1/2/3 issues ( unable to use the mode select in the game, even with the app ).

After 6 hours of trialing, I found that if you manually set YOUR OWN ( or use the provided ) keyboard shortcuts to ALL the buttons in the app ( not the game ), that you can actually use the mode select, and without issues. This is the case in my experience with the FC3 and F18 modules. Once I painstakingly assigned all the keyboard shortcuts in the game, and then replicated those into a control map on the X56 app ( what a garbage app btw ), I was really enjoying those two modules and havent had a bad experience since. ( please also remember to put the app in test mode, I DONT know why, but DCS doesnt recieve your map inputs unless the X56 APP is in test mode )

Can someone at ED please explain to me WHY, When its possible for FC3 and F18, I cant assign my own hotkeys with multiple modifiers?

Just as an example, I have tried assigning hotkeys with modifiers to moving the wings forward/aft/auto, and so far if I try to add multipliers, it DOESNT register? Only ( so far, only had the game since 26/4 and limited time to troubleshoot eveything ) the provided hotkeys are working.

Since I am in China, I am unfortunately stuck with Chinese youtube to host the video showing the issue.

Feel free to watch the entire rant ( It was midnight and after 3 hours of troubleshooting ) OR:

- Mode select issue explanation 1:10

- Explanation of mode select fix 3:42

- BONUS Did you know? can set radial percentage 8:00

- Video segment showing Method working for other modules, but not F14 8:30

Video link:


Anyone who has any different experiences or fixes, please feel free to add below. Im only showing what I have had to do in MY experience. I have a chinese friend who also has an identical hardware set up to me, yet has NEVER had any issues playing the game ( yet, albeit, hasnt tried to use the mode select on the controller or app )





-= UPDATE =-

So after another 1.5 hours of troubleshooting, and another video showing the evidence and process of how I am checking everything, I can confirm that the F14 module only responds to keybindings ( using my method ) that were provided by ED as a default for the module.

Feel free to watch my second video, a lot shorter than my first rant.

Video Link:




To be absolutely honest:  This is a 2 year old module now. I still dont believe I am the first person to have this issue, please shout out if you also had this issue. ED please invest some time into making sure the BASIC FUNCTIONS of your game works with EVERY module that you have.
These issues are literrally in the most basic parts of a game and yet differnet modules have different results.....

Fix it please.





-= UPDATE =-


So after almost 12 hours of testing and troubleshooting, I have finally figured out that the Logitech APP and the f14 module are losing communication somewhere. Any modifiers set in the game are not being recognised ( outside of alt, but then alt doesnt always work either )

I have unfortunately resorted to using the DCS control assign page, but again, using the M1/2/3 triggers as modifiers sometimes and randomly stops working or you have to flick to and from several times to get it to engage etc.

Here is my video link on the issue:





I realise that its not DCS's problem as a whole that the two programs arent communicating properly, but I have shown several times that it works with other modules, and so far it only has issues with the F14 module. I still honestly believe this should be looked into and resolved. The customisation and utility of the logitech app naturally make the modules much more immersive and involved and really bring much more out of the game.

Again, Please fix it.

Edited by M4ND4L0R3
Made third and final video overviewing the issue
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