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No labels in hosted server

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Having played a few missions with a friend where I was hosting the server from my machine, we have noticed that labels seem to no longer work while playing on such a hosted server.


It does not matter what setting is used for labels within the options menu and the key-bind toggles (Shift-F2 and Shift-F10) also have no effect whatsoever. Trying the exact same mission in single player works perfectly. We are on the latest open beta.


Since we have been using grey dot labels previously, this is now sorely missed.


I am also attaching a short track.


It would be fantastic if we could get the labels back for our multiplayer sessions. I strongly assume that this is a bug as we have never had this issue previously but I might have missed a new way to set this up properly.


Thank you in advance for any feedback and for taking it into account.


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