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[REPORTED] Harrier Rearm Resets Master Arm, Laser Code, Cooling States, etc


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Hello All,


The Harrier when rearmed/refueled currently resets the state of multiple parts of the aircraft including the Master Arm switch, Targeting pod cooling for FLIR, Maverick cooling (even if it was in a ready state on the aircraft already), as well as the laser code, and ECM switch state. I believe this is incorrect behavior on an aircraft capable of hot pit rearming and refueling as referenced in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFL6-y7vYhI



Also attached is a track displaying this behavior. when landing on a short approach. Please be mindful I am aware these are not correct landing procedures, I intentionally turned the master arm on, tpod FLIR, maverick fusing, etc to display this issue more thoroughly. 


Lastly, this is an issue that affects both the Harrier and Mirage (unknown for the MiG-19 as I do not own the module) but it does NOT affect any other 3rd party or ED developed aircraft. As far as I know it is a Razbam specific issue. To clarify as well, this is not specifically a rearming issue, it changes states in the aircraft as well such as the master arm and laser code. 


If you need anything else or additional tracks please let me know,




Harrier RearmReset Test1.trk

Edited by Sephryn
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23 hours ago, Sephryn said:

Hello All,


The Harrier when rearmed/refueled currently resets the state of multiple parts of the aircraft including the Master Arm switch, Targeting pod cooling for FLIR, Maverick cooling (even if it was in a ready state on the aircraft already), as well as the laser code, and ECM switch state. I believe this is incorrect behavior on an aircraft capable of hot pit rearming and refueling as referenced in this video:


The Laser code should be zeroed 5 seconds after Weight On Wheels (WOW) sensor is triggered.

It should go to zero, and not to 1111 that is valid laser code.


This is mentioned in the TAC-000 at ARBS/LST Designation page 1-200.


The WOW does not deny you entering the proper laser code before take-off, as it is only when WOW is triggered on landing.

You need to enter a valid laser code to the system if you want to use ARBS/LST function. If no proper laser code is entered, then when you press SSS Aft the ARBS/LST mode is skipped and you only get the ARBS/TV mode.


There might be a reasons why you do not want to have a laser code entered to the system, as when you are not expected to use laser guided weapons or be attacking a laser designated target, as you can just not enter the valid laser code or clear it and you do not get ARBS/LST mode at all in your use.


This is important when you have example target designated as INS mode, because when you are attacking or re-attacking the TD (Target Designation) you are required to switch from INS to LST or TV mode, as the system does not automatically switch to either one. First you need to press SSS Aft for the ARBS/LST mode (that is before ARBS/TV mode) and so on you will activate LST mode that will center its last selected search pattern on the TD position. And if you want to use a ARBS/TV to re-target you need to press second time SSS Aft to activate TV that will immediately perform wide area contrast search on the TD point and then lock on anything that it finds there. So if you have trees, mountain, building or anything blocking your view to your TD, then ARBS/TV will lock instead those randomly. 


When you have example used first INS to generate TD by generic area but you want to use ARBS/TV to lock very specific area and get automatic tracking, you need to use SSS Aft to switch from INS -> TV. That would again immediately cause contrast lock randomly, but if you have the valid laser code then you get ARBS/LST instead first.

Of course you do not get much problems with the ARBS/LST as if there is no laser spot with proper matching laser code, the LST will not lock on it and generate a new TD. So you can just press 2x SSS Aft to go from INS -> LST -> TV. 


The laser code system is not properly modeled in Harrier, as it as pointed out here that the TPOD laser code is separate system that doesn't get zeroed by the WOW sensor. So you can have the default 1111 code on the TPOD, but the Harrier own ARBS/LST and Maverick laser code should be zero at the ground start and after starting the aircraft and 5 seconds after weight on wheels sensor has been triggered. 



i7-8700k, 32GB 2666Mhz DDR4, 2x 2080S SLI 8GB, Oculus Rift S.

i7-8700k, 16GB 2666Mhz DDR4, 1080Ti 11GB, 27" 4K, 65" HDR 4K.

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The Maverick might go through a servicing.


As Mavericks has a limited cooling period (30 min for laser maverick in total) per mission, that you can regenerate by turning seeker off (deselect station and not to use the maverick video) by 2:1 ratio. So if you keep the seeker off 10 minutes then you gain 5 minutes extra use.

With the IRMAV there is maximum 60 min On time, and 30 min active time, with same 2:1 recovery ratio.


The "On" time generates when it is selected and uncaged, and missile video is displayed on DDI.


i7-8700k, 32GB 2666Mhz DDR4, 2x 2080S SLI 8GB, Oculus Rift S.

i7-8700k, 16GB 2666Mhz DDR4, 1080Ti 11GB, 27" 4K, 65" HDR 4K.

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