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vs. The Channel and The Normandy Map

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or should I also get the Normandy Map while I have the Channel map but I fly only jets?


Thank you.

I Fly, Therefore I Am.

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The contents of DCS World are so overwhelming to me: so many things to try, so many things to revisit. For now, whining about new products being late does not make much sense.

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Your question is not very clear. However I think I understand it: you own the Channel, you fly only jets, and you wonder if buying the Normandy map is a good move.


I would say no. Actually, I would also say the Channel map was not for you: way too small for jets, most airfields have unpaved runways, the period is not correct, no one is going to make a campaign for jets on this map or run it for MP with jets due to the small size... So it is almost useless for jets.


Both Normandy and the Channel are really targeted at warbirds and can be used for helicopters as well. If both are not your thing, I don't think you should bother purchasing them. 

Edited by Qiou87
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