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Keyboard Throttle control


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I have a ordinary logitech keyboard, and a Logitech extreme 3d stick


My problem:

I used to it in FC that my left hand is controlling the shkval and the throttle with keyboard, and my right hand controlling the stick.


In BS i cant use the keyboard to the throttle function because it uses too big leaps at the incresement... Is there any way .cfg, lua file or something to decrase the leap of the + and - key when i pressed it?


i tried the keyboard speed to set low but this is not helped for me...

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Doesn't the extreme 3d have a throttle lever? You're going to have a near impossible time trying to fly a helicopter by controlling the collective with a keyboard. It requires constant readjustment and compensation. While it's probably more convenient to have your hand right where you can control the shkval, I don't think anyone would ever be able to fly properly that way.

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Yes, i know that i have throttle on the joy:)


but as i sad i want to use my keyborad to this like in FC, so i can do it


BUT! the only little thing is that when i pressed the "+" key it leaps too much 1-> 12

so i need only a file where i can set this value to lower


THAT'S ALL! i dont want to use another gamepad, joy

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oR! If you want to control the ABRIS sreen lights level (num+; num-), if you press it it jumps all the way down, or up..


this is the same situ. with the collective control keys..


i think this is a bug, because if someone is playing in "arcade" mode and dont have a joy, its pretty difficult to control the heli at this way...


is there any options to change the keys "threshold" or something like that

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