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Suggestion: New Default Console Controller Bindings


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Currently, the default bindings for console controllers (or at least an Xbox controller) aren't terribly great.  From the modules I tested with (A-10C, Flaming Cliffs), the default bindings look something like the following:




There are a couple major issues with this.


First there's an issue with using the Trigger axis as a "Throttle".  I'm aware this isn't the case for all controllers, but for Xbox controllers and Steam users, the triggers are combined into a single axis where the neutral point is 50%, Left trigger is 0%, and Right trigger is 100%.  Even if it was intended to use Right Trigger alone as a throttle, it is very difficult to manage speed with an analog trigger that always wants to snap to 0%.  This makes sense for racing games since an accelerator pedal behaves the same way... not so much for an aircraft throttle.  On console controllers, it would be better to default Throttle to two buttons instead of a single axis as it will offer better control of throttle position during all phases of flight.


The second major issue is a complete lack of bindings for fairly important buttons.  For instance we have missing bindings for:

  • Trim (except for the flankers, which have Stick to Trimmer)
  • Countermeasures
  • Rudder


A third less-major issue is leftover buttons and a whole 2 stick axes which aren't used.  For instance, the start and select buttons, right bumper, left stick click, and right stick click.  Existing bindings could be rearranged to take advantage of more natural finger positions depending on the action being assigned.  For instance, we could move "Weapon Trigger" from "A Button" to "Right Bumper" to emulated the feeling of pulling a trigger.  Same with "Weapon Release" and switching it to "Left Bumper" as it too would simulate a left-handed trigger pull.  "Camera Look" can be switched from the D-pad to Right Stick X/Y to conform to present-day gaming standards... plus this frees up a whole 4 buttons on the d-pad.


If it were up to me entirely, I would come up with default bindings which include actions shared across most modules, as well as 2 default modifiers to  almost quadruple the number of available buttons.  That said, I do realize that having default modifier bindings might be asking for too much, so instead I would propose at least the following as a new "default" binding for console controllers.  This assumes no modifiers are available and only the most important, common actions are bound:




With the above, we address a few critical things to consider when setting up console controller actions:


  • Right Stick X/Y to Camera Horizontal/Vertical is the standard for modern games.  Also, I've included default axis tune settings for both Left and Right Sticks.
  • Trim is a very important element of flying, so having a dedicated D-pad to all 4 directions feels like controlling a trim hat.
  • Weapon Trigger/Release are bound to more natural "trigger finger" positions: Right Bumper and Left Bumper.
  • Rudder has replaced Throttle in the Tigger Axis as having a 50% neutral point lends better to Rudder control than Throttle.
  • Throttle Up/Down are now B/A respectively.  Note, in racing games it's easy to remember "A" for accelerator and "B" for brake, so it may be worth flipping these two around?
  • Chaff and Flare now exist as Y and X respectively, being incredibly important actions in a combat sim.
  • Weapon Change, a uniquely low-fidelity/FC3 action, is remapped to the "Start" button.
  • Wheel Brake Both/On is probably more important than even the throttle when it matters, so having this bound to "Select" keeps it out of the way until needed.  Plus holding "Select" still allows the player to control rudders and even throttle at the same time.


Now, again, if it were up to me I'd have default modifiers too.  This would allow default bindings to extend into TDC slews, target locks, radar elevation/modes, gear toggle, canopy toggle, etc (see this imgur album for some ideas), but alas I do feel like it would be asking too much.


Please let me know if you have any questions, or your own input to give!  For those who dislike the idea of improving gamepad support in DCS, I'd like to hear your thoughts too!  Perhaps dev time is better spent elsewhere?


For another gamepad-friendly wishlist topic, see the following thread for opening up the mouse-only horizontal/vertical camera control to other devices:



Edited by Tuuvas
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Btw, I just now realize I'm completely forgetting about the "Game" setting crowd as they would probably benefit the most from... say... a dedicated "Target Lock" button.  I've updated the above "Proposed Default Bindings" image to include "Target Lock" as Right Stick click.  This may even be beneficial for Flanker pilots who want to target lock with the HMD since Right Stick is also camera movement.

Edited by Tuuvas
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