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Training missions in English


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First off, hats off to ED for making such an in depth game. Now, since I am quite Euro/English speaking-centric, I cannot understand a word of Russian. So, since this bird is a whole different animal than the(comparitively) simpler su-27/mig-29, I am having problems with the basics of the weapons systems.


This would easily be remedied by a tutorial, but they are in Russian. I have watched the producers notes but alot of what he references are buttons already located/programmed on his hotas so I'm not sure which button he is pressing. Bottom line,can someone recreate the training missions but in english.

And yes I know about the manual(I have it) but it is so detailed, that the steps for a proper firing solution are spread across the whole manual.


Thanks guys and ED, I NEVER buy retail for anything gaming related(always buy second hand since its cheaper) so the fact that I will buy the russian version tells you something.

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So, since this bird is a whole different animal than the(comparitively) simpler su-27/mig-29, I am having problems with the basics of the weapons systems.


You won't think they're simpler when they're modeled in DCS ... you'll be wishing for your heli back ;)


This would easily be remedied by a tutorial, but they are in Russian. I have watched the producers notes but alot of what he references are buttons already located/programmed on his hotas so I'm not sure which button he is pressing. Bottom line,can someone recreate the training missions but in english.

And yes I know about the manual(I have it) but it is so detailed, that the steps for a proper firing solution are spread across the whole manual.


Thanks guys and ED, I NEVER buy retail for anything gaming related(always buy second hand since its cheaper) so the fact that I will buy the russian version tells you something.


There will be an international version in which english language tutorials will be available.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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