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PVI - 800 few questions...


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First I wish to thank you on fantastic product, it requires from user to learn a lot of new stuff. As I can see it now after few days of fanatically learning new stuff and Reading manual over and over again I still found some details not clear. Can somebody from developers give more insight in PVI-800's INU alignment process?


What is a normal procedure to initiate the process of inertial system and it's alignment process. As I understand it, there is a button that initializes alignment process (NB) and in manual is stated that alignment is started automatic from suplaying elec power to the systems. I am not forgetting to activate all buttons on the rear panel regarding INU power.


Best regards!


Edited by vitek
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Have you seen Producers note #4? If not, then you should definatley do so...: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/index.php?end_pos=133&scr=products&lang=en...


Edit: Ops, no longer available... But I know there's a guy on these forums hosting all of them... Can't remember who it was though....

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A message appears on the "ekran"... I don't remember in the passing if this message appears due to proximity to inu-point or if it appears due to a certain accumulated error amount... Anyway, you'll get a message, "Perform nav fix" I think....

Edited by Inseckt

Help Beczl with his DCS MiG-21Bis project

by Pre-Ordering DCS MiG-21Bis module NOW!


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No, I suggest you study it anyway - since AFAIK, the INU will eventually have drift implemented.


Just follow the procedures for coordinate correction in the manual. You should basically know that the drift can be up to 4km per hour of flight.


Your fixpoints should be landmarks you can easily use for correction. Crosschecking error for your INU can be done against the ABRIS since it uses GPS/GLONASS.


That means, I can forget the whole chapter of correcting the coordinates?


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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I allready studied this chapter and I know how it should be done in both ways, by fly-over and using the shkval.


The only thing I dont understand is, when does I know for shure that I have to perform this correction?




Ok, crosscheck with the ABRIS is a good possibility.


Thanks for your answer, GGTharos

Edited by takamba

DCS Rafale - please :thumbup:

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You 'always' know for sure that you need to make a correction. Think of it this way:


Your INU will ALWAYS drift. You'll get up to 1km error every 15 min. Correct as often as you think you need to.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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You 'always' know for sure that you need to make a correction. Think of it this way:


Your INU will ALWAYS drift. You'll get up to 1km error every 15 min. Correct as often as you think you need to.


Roger that!


I will correct as much as I can during a mission!


Thanks again, GGTharos

DCS Rafale - please :thumbup:

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my question was about INU alignment process. developers are describing this process and i takes about 30 minutes for inu to get aligned properly. button on the pvi (NB button) is actually doing nothing ?


also there is constant error on the attitude director indicator (assigned pitch and steering not available flag) and I think that this has something to do with improper inu alignment process. :huh:



best regards



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You should read the manual again!


The whole process is discribed very well!


Coordinate Corrections Using Over-flight Method


Once you are within 18 km of a reference point, the EKRAN will sound an audio cue and display “ПРОВЕДИ КОРРЕКЦ КООРД” (Perform Coordinates Correction). To perform the correction:

1. On the PVI-800, press the “ОР” (Fix point) push-light and this will light up the button.

2. Press the key on the PVI-800 keypad that corresponds to this reference point number; this number will be displayed on the small right window.

3. Set “И-251В – ПРОЛ” (I-251V Shkval – Fly over) switch to “ПРОЛ” (Fly over) on the PVI-800.

4. Visually locate the reference point, fly towards it, and once located exactly above it press the “ЦУ” (Uncage Shkval –designate target) button on the cyclic. This will set the current coordinates in the onboard navigation system to the reference coordinates.

Once the correction is complete, the “ОР” push-light and its number will no longer be lit.

DCS Rafale - please :thumbup:

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I would have to read the manual to fully answer your question, and I don't have it handy right now.


The full 30 min alignment is required when initializing the INU from some state or another after moving the helicopter WITHOUT flying it and operating the INU, or as a maintenance/calibration procedure.


The short alignment you do at startup is all you need to have it function properly in most usual use cases, IIRC.


The ADI function flag you are seeing means exactly what it says it means - it has nothing to do with alignment ;)


my question was about INU alignment process. developers are describing this process and i takes about 30 minutes for inu to get aligned properly. button on the pvi (NB button) is actually doing nothing ?


also there is constant error on the attitude director indicator (assigned pitch and steering not available flag) and I think that this has something to do with improper inu alignment process. :huh:



best regards




Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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