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Force feedback and trim problems


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Hi, I've read a few threads which talk about problems with trimming and force feedback joysticks, but none specifically answer my question:

I have a Saitek Cyborg Evo Force JS and trim used to work correctly, in that the joystick's neutral position shifted as trim was operated. I've installed FC and now it no longer works. I have also lost all Force feedback output, no matter whether the "producer.cfg" file says FF True or False.


If I change it to "false", I can get trim working in the non-FF way, but if I set it to "true" neither FF or trim work at all on the two SU-25 variants.


Has anyone got a smilar JS and has it working with FC? If so, what settings are you using?


If not, are there any other things I can try?



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EVO works for me ... maybe these might throw some light?


G'day mate,

these are my js settings for the EVO. Seems to work for me; fwiw, I hope it might be helpful for you ...


My gain settings ...





and the LOMAC in game settings ...











Cheers and g'luck


"A true 'sandbox flight sim' requires hi-fidelity flyable non-combat utility/support aircraft."

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  • 3 years later...
G'day mate,

these are my js settings for the EVO. Seems to work for me; fwiw, I hope it might be helpful for you ...


My gain settings ...





and the LOMAC in game settings ...











Cheers and g'luck



Where are the settings?

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