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Mission 5 completely kills the immersion for me

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Really like the campain so far but mission 5 really doesn't fit in. The different stages of air combat maneuvers are just terrible and those loading interruptions kill the immersion of flying a single mission. And what is the performance envelope task for?

Should be redesigned or maybe replaced with a single dogfight mission including AAR maybe.

Just my two cents. 

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i9 13900K, Asus ROG Z690-E Wifi, 32GB DDR5 6400RAM, Asus RTX 4090 TUF, TM Warthog with F-16 Stick, Trackir 5, Windows 11

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  • 2 years later...

Different strokes for different folks.  I really liked having the mission reset for each portion of the BFM encounter.  Initially, I thought it was all going to be a single mission, and I was super-stressed over how to conserve fuel when fighting a J-11A.  That's a serious threat, and my limited experience doing some practice jousts ended up using a lot of AB.  The Block 50 seems to need AB either in BVR (to get sufficient kinematics to duel with a J-11A's extended range Alamos), or in the dogfight to stay with the Flanker and prevent an Archer shot.

By having the mission reload for each BFM phase, it topped up my fuel tanks each time, allowing me to really learn the Flanker's strengths and weaknesses in a series of engagements in short order.  So this worked for me and I'm glad Bunyap built it this way.  

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