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Anyone seeing their Dedicated server crashing with new joins?


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We're seeing this as of perhaps the last update.  Pilots were reporting sudden and unexplained connection loss, unconnected to any particular activity (e.g. just sitting there on the ramp, cold). 

Got to finally experience it myself today.

Was in a gamemaster slot. I saw in the chat that someone was joining. Before he had completely joined/spawned, the F10 map controls stopped working for me. 

Then I noticed a bunch of desync, like aircraft frozen in place, and then the connection was lost and the server had crashed.

We've been chasing this for a while. There's absolutely NOTHING written to the dcs.log or dcs.log.old that even remotely explains it. The logs close with only some generic INFO LuaNET statements, and they do NOT include any evidence of the person joining. 

We started troubleshooting by going after mods, but haven't seen any difference.

I'm suspicious it surrounds connections or joins based on it occurring coincidentally with one while I was observing.

If anyone is also seeing this, or has advice on further troubleshooting, please let me know. 




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Have fun. Don't suck. Kill bad guys. 👍


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