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I really hate posting topic like this but in the latest OB 2.8.32937 a showstopping AI bug made it into the update. 

The AI sometimes won’t stop following you or another AI, even though it was told to. 

this affects all missions, not just mine. Some of my missions will be completely broken, some will just have some weird glitches, but I really recommend playing my (and other) campaigns in the stable version until this one is fixed. 

All I can do is push ED to fix it ASAP. Sorry guys and gals. 

Here's a detailed explanation. When the AI does a task, it does it until there is a dedicated flag that comes on that's supposed to stop the task. Say, it needs to follow the tanker, until flag 'chewbacca' comes on. 1 second after flag 'chewbacca' I can push the AI's next task - follow the player, or switch to WP3, or whatever. In Single Thread I could even push the next task at the same time as the stop flag and it was smooth.

Then came the Multithread version. Its code is set up in a way that things don't happen linearly. I push flag 'chewbacca' but the game may or may not register it immediately, maybe 1 maybe 2 seconds later only, depending on how busy your CPU is at the moment. Problem is, 1 second later I push the next task, and from then on the AI will stop looking for the stop flag of following the tanker, because it's not its primary task anymore. Therefore it will never stop following the tanker even when a few seconds later it realizes that flag 'chewbacca' came on. Catch 22, the AI is stuck following the tanker forever, the mission is broken.

I could add 2,3,5,10 seconds between the flag and the new task, but a) sometimes it's not enough and b) in that time the AI is uncontrolled, and it just leads to collisions and more problems. Even 1 seconds is too much from a smoothness point of view.

So what can you do about it?

- Play the mission in ST while you can

- Decrease your gfx setting. The less busy your CPU is, the less likely you'll see this bug.

- Record a track and send to ED

Edited by Reflected
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  • Reflected changed the title to FIXED - Showstopper AI follow bug
  • 2 months later...
  • Reflected changed the title to NOT FIXED - Showstopper AI follow bug
  • 1 year later...

Here’s a little update on the issue a year and a half later  

ED is still working on it, trying to reproduce the problem. 

The problem is with the new MT engine that’s set up in a way that flags/tasks/triggers can be left unnoticed by the game for several seconds, and sometimes even forever. Of course it’s a total showstopper and completely unacceptable but until ED fixes the core code, here’s what you can do about it:

- Run the ST version

- Make your PC less busy and hope it won’t miss the trigger that way. Lower your gfx settings, try in 2D, stuff like that

- using extra softwares such as Vaicom also seems to make it worse. 

but most importantly, record a track and send it - NOT to me!! But to ED. It’s not mission bug. Thanks. 

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  • Reflected changed the title to MAYBE FIXED? - Showstopper AI follow bug
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