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Engine control unit + Trimmer block.


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Engine control unit V1.

The classic scheme with separate levers throttle valve and engine speed. Additional levers allow you to assign axles to flaps, cooling systems, or any axle function.

The mechanics of the levers are made similar to the mechanics of my Collective, it is a reliable and durable mechanism with a smooth ride with the ability to adjust the damper force. The angle of rotation of the levers is 85 degrees, the length of the shift in a straight line is 180mm. TLE non-contact magnetic sensors are installed on the main arms, which provide a readout accuracy of 32,000 units.

A feature of the unit is the throttle lever handle, it is rotatable and copies the functionality of determining the range to the target in the K14 sight. Also, the rotary knob allows the buttons on the end of the handle to remain always under the thumb.

The block has 16 buttons and 6 toggle switches and 2 additional axles on the body.

Engine control unit v1/2 $300 + shipping.









Engine control unit V2.

In terms of composition, mechanics and equipment, it is the same as the V1, only one feature is that the boost and speed knobs and levers are the same in height and size. They can be used both together and separately. There is no synchronization mechanism, but it is possible to programmatically configure the toggle switch, when turned on, the second axis obeys the first one and works synchronously. This version is suitable for piloting piston aircraft as well as twin-engine jet aircraft with separate thrust.

Engine control unit v1/2 $300 + shipping.




RUD V2.14.jpg

RUD V2.11.jpg



Trimmnuller block.

This block has three axles with 1x2 gear mechanics. The trimmer wheels turn 700 degrees, that is, they make two turns. This allows very accurate trimming of the aircraft.

The trimmer block can be used together with the V1/2 Engine block on the same controller and attached to its body, or separately with its own built-in controller.

Trimmer block $100 + shipping.

Engine management blog + trimmer block $350 + shipping.








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