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WARNING : The 2015 date is mentioned as a reference to the documents used to build the authorised loadouts.
        No load is tied to a particular date in the DCS mission editor other than Eagle Dynamics already enforced dates.

-Added AIM-9L (not on the USMC authorised loadouts for 2015-ish N/A, added because compatibility is known) for station 1,2,6,7 (as for the aim-9M) 

-Added 19 rocket pods (station 2,3,5,6) (not on the USMC authorised loadouts for 2015-ish N/A, added because compatibility is known), as a legacy from AV-8A and AV-8C, and day attack variants, and to roleplay british Harrier II's CRV-7 rockets.

-Changed the GBU-12 500lb Paveway II loadouts according to the USMC authorised loadouts for 2015-ish N/A:
    -2xGBU-12 on D/ITER on cheek stations only are only allowed on stations 2/6.
    -2xGBU-12 on D/ITER on chin and cheek stations are not authorized.
    -3xGBU-12 on D/ITER are not authorized.
    -No loads are allowed on stations 1/7 if GBU-12 are mounted on D/ITER (double racking GBU-12s means no sidewinders!)
    -2xGBU-12 on D/ITER is authorized on stations 2/6 with tanks on stations 3/5
    -GBU-12 mounting on stations 1/7 is not authorised according to the USMC authorised loadouts for 2015 N/A, but we let that possibility in to roleplay british Harriers (and these stations are known to accept dumb bombs, and the GBU-12 is authorised there on british Harrier II's. The loading of PWII kits is probably not authorised on 1/7 in the USMC pubs because it was not tested either due to lack of funding and/or need for it)

-Changed the GBU-38 and GBU-54 500lb JDAMs loadouts according to the USMC authorised loadouts for 2015-ish N/A:
    -FYI : The JDAMs can only be triple racked on BRU-70 D/ITER triple racks. In DCS, only the BRU-42 ITER (non digital) rack 3D model is available. However, we simulate the use of BRU-70 to enable triple racking JDAMs, which are an important loadout for modern AV8B N/As.
    -2xJDAM on D/ITER is authorized on stations 3/5  only in a chin and cheek configuration (D/ITER mounting location closest to aircraft is empty)
    -2xJDAM and 3xJDAM on D/ITER is authorized on stations 2/6 with either inboard or outboard station full.
    -2xJDAM and 3xJDAM on D/ITER is authorized on stations 2/6 with tanks on stations 3/5.

-Changed Fuel tanks loadouts according to the USMC authorised loadouts for 2015-ish N/A:
    -D/ITER authorized directly near fuel tanks
    -Bombs are not authorized on stations 1/7 with tanks on stations 2/6.
    -AIM-9 is authorized on stations 1/7 with tanks on stations 2/6.

-Changed ITER 500lbs with bombs loadouts restrictions according to the USMC authorised loadouts for 2015-ish N/A:
    -On station 2 and 6, if the outermost cheek station of a D/ITER (BRU-42 or 70) is full, only bombs with regular fin kits (so no GBU-12) can be mounted on station 1 and 7 (meaning no sidewinder with a full triple rack)

Edited by AlphaJuliet
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