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Add a dateTime (an accessor to get current system date and time) to mission scripting


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Currently, there is no way to establish current date and time in a mission; we merely get game time via timer.getTime().

Beside other obvious tasks like timestamping, there is one very important use case that requires access to an unpredictable (at time of mission writing), constantly changing value: math.randomseed(). To truly randomize a mission, we need access to a value that is not predictable, else random's sequence is predictable. Lua's os.time() is accessible only via an un-sanitized 'os' library, and I want that library to stay sanitized. 

Hence my request: please provide a method to get an ever-changing value from the running system; preferably current datetime as an integer. 


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Just a thought for you to consider on allowing the os library access but keeping security the way I do it.

		-- localise all risky functions so no code but inside this scope can access
			local null_fun = function() _log("Security alerts can go here") return end
			local os_execute = os.execute
			os.execute = null_fun
			local os_remove = os.remove
			os.remove = null_fun
			local os_open_uri = os.open_uri
			os.open_uri = null_fun
			local os_run_process = os.run_process
			os.run_process = null_fun
		-- Provide global API of my naming, so only I would know... as an array (no keys) so only I would know the index of which func.
			API_FUNCS = {
  				os_execute, -- call like this API_FUNCS[1](...)

		-- module security here... remove the library if you want to aswell
			os.getenv = nil
			os.difftime = nil
			os.run_process = nil
			os.remove = nil
			os.execute = nil
			os.open_uri = nil
			os.rename = nil
			os.getpid = nil
			console = nil

I wrote that for you its not a copy/paste so hopefully get the jist, it should work but there may be typos or errors... I will be providing a 24/7 support line if you need it, please deposit your bank details in my DMs

Edited by PravusJSB
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Thank you, @PravusJSB, that's a really elegant approach that I'm experimenting with right now (man I wish Lua had proper introspection and reflection).

I guess the only drawback (a byproduct intended for security) here is that it's server-individual. A mission that I write with this approach can't run on another server unless their server has exactly the same script installed. My server provider currently also balks at modifying missionscripting beyond commenting out lfs and io, but this modification is still great for my local server.




Edited by cfrag
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