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Viacom Pro won't change radio channels


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I've had VA+VP for quite a few years, but honestly never messed with it other than tanker calls. Recently decided to step it up a bit, and move to a full TX setup on a separate switch (not a fan of the SRS integration). So far, so good, got it all set according to the manual and every command so far is working, except changing the preset channels on the radios. Set frequency works well, but other than the UHF radio in the A10C-II, no radios in either the Hog or the Hornet will change preset channels. So it does not appear to be module specific.

I have done a full clean re-install to include cleanup of any registry entries, etc, verified settings, .lua, no conflicting mods, etc. Using the latest editions of both VA and VP.  I get the acknowledgement beep, the log also shows it understood the command, just nothing happening in the cockpit. Same in both single and multiplayer. I'm sure I've missed something, as I'm not hearing of others having this issue, but have exhausted my resources.

Anyone have any ideas?

Log File.txt

Edited by Faelwolf
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Appreciate it! At this point I have a keybind workaround, so I'm getting by. If it helps, experimentation shows it will change frequency in the ARC210, but not channel, channel in the UHF but not frequency, and nothing in the third radio or in either radio in the Hornet. Tested in both normal and multithread versions of DCS Beta (I don't keep release on my drive), and with all mods, including SRS, removed. Clean verified install.

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@Faelwolf @PeneCruz

I've tested in the A-10C I/II and F/A-18 and can confirm this. Know this used to work in the Hornet (works in the Viper), while for the A-10Cs it could be the new radio? 🤷🏻‍♂️

On a side note maybe a little related, I can't change the frequencies anymore, but that's either me misremembering the correct syntax or somehting's up with VoiceAttack.




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Thanks! I've gone through everything on my end, Pene is looking at the files. I know they recently made some changes to adjust for the ARC-210, may just need a little more work. I suspect a bug due to every single other thing working properly that I've used so far. All in all, I think they've done a great job not only keeping this going, but adding new features etc. I'm sure it will get fixed.

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