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Fox and hounds game mode?


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I remember having a great time at nerdy Lan party's playing heros of the pacific in an mp game mode called fox and hounds, I was wondering If it was something possible in dcs?


In the game mode one player was chosen at random as the fox then the other players were the hounds, they had to shoot the fox, the player that shot the fox then became the fox and everyone turned on them, the fox aircraft trailed smoke to identify them there was a points system but I can't remember how it worked, basically the longer you were the fox the more point you got, most points at the end won


Does anyone know if this is a thing in dcs already or if it's something that's possible?

Would be an awesome way to sharpen BFM skills and have a laugh at the same time

Tomcat, Tomcat über allen

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2 hours ago, PSYKOnz said:

if it's something that's possible?

I think it's an interesting idea that to my knowledge is difficult to implement in DCS for at least the following obstacles:

  • I don't think it's currently possible because mission designers can't turn smoke on/off for player aircraft. 
  • I'm also not sure how your player's stats would look after such an event, since you are bound to have some blue on blue or red on red kills. Detecting fratricide has to be able to be suppressed for such a game mode

Let's see what ED can come up with if they are interested in supporting this.

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