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SimAppPro 1.11.6 bug - getting no help from WinWing


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This will take a while to explain. The TL;DR is that the WinWing PCR's are being automatically bound to the F18 Radar knob, when SimAppPro (SAP) is running in the background DESPITE THERE BEING NO - REPEAT NO - BINDINGS IN DCS!?!?!

So I was having a nightmare flying the F18 in DCS (no mods) because the radar knob was spazzing out and going crazy, switching itself off/on/stby/emerg rapidly all the time. 

It didn't seem to be any particular input - I was just flying not using any buttons or anything.

Over the course of 4 days, I ended up obliterating my DCS install folder and SAVED GAMES/DCS folders. 

I downloaded and reinstalled ALL of DCS (the new unified version - I was previously using open beta so yet another way settings could not have carried over) and all of the modules (took a day).

Then I went into the controls on my virgin DCS install and CLEARED ALL - even the keyboard bindings. 

Literally ZERO bindings for anything on any aircraft. 

Then I connected my WinWing controls and ran SAP and loaded into an F18 ready on the ramp. 

And the knob was flicking around on it's own.


So I went into SAP to see if the panels had any KEY BINDINGS set (you know the profiles people can make and download) and they didn't.

It seems that when you have a PCR connected, buttons 16-20 turn the F18 Radar knob without any bindings. 

If like me you have two PCR's then when you turn one, it moves the F18 knob (despite NO BINDINGS) and then when the controls are polled again it sees a conflict - as both PCR's controlling the F18 radar know are now out of sync and it goes crazy between the two of them. 

Even if I unplug one from the USB hub and just have one PCR connected, still, with SAP running in the background, regardless of what I've bound the Radar knob on the panel to (e.g. wing fold) it STILL operates the F18 radar knob at the same time, and the knob still spazzes out during flight so that I can't keep the radar on. 

HOWEVER, if I close SAP before starting DCS, then I don't get the crazy knob, and the new bindings on the panel knob work correctly and don't try and control the F18 radar knob.

But this means I lose my MFD's and UFC/ICP's. 


I've re-downloaded and flashed the two PCR's.

I've reset them to defaults.

I've triple checked there are no KEY BINDINGS in SAP for either panel.


Can anyone think of anything I haven't tried? 


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